الرقي للإنجاز

    • https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/English/Research/Pages/default.aspx, A researcherhttps://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/Arabic/Research/Pages/default.aspx, باحث
    • https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/English/academics/Undergraduate, An undergraduatehttps://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/Arabic/academics/Undergraduate, البكالوريوس
    • https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/English/academics/graduate, A graduatehttps://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/Arabic/academics/Graduate, الدراسات العليا
      الدراسات العليا

قسم التصميم


  1. Strengthen the presence of the Design Department nationally and internationally to make it stand out as one of the distinguished design programs graduating talented and creative design leaders in correpondance to its vision and mission and pursue their achievment progress to help achieve the startegic plan goals.
  2. Generate and maintain a productive professional atmosphere that is ethically sound, creative and rich to enhance the design students’ learning and help in achieving national and international accreditation for the Design Program.
  3. Offer the highest level of design education coupled with relevant vocational training for interior and product design students using innovative teaching methods and resources.
  4. Recruit and retain caliber students, and develop them to be responsible, ethical and creative interior and product designers
  5. Employ suitably qualified and industry trained faculty with good record of research and community service in the fields of interior and product design, and support their professional development.
  6. Provide all students  and faculty with well equipped learning resources, facilities and equipment conforming to interior and product design industry standards to offer excellent teaching, learning and research experience
  7. Stimulate design research and development sphere that supports creation of innovative ideas and solutions that strengthen the economic sustainability and promote entrepreneurship. 
  8. Empower the design program to play a significant role in community service, design knowledge dissemination, symposia, and endowing volunteering activities, that reinforces collaboration with local and international community, and inculcate the social responsibility.​

Academic Programs


    الاسم البريد الالكتروني الهاتف الاسم الوظيفي
    د. ساجد خليفةsakhalifa@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137912أستاذ مساعد ورئيس قسم التصميم
    د. نهى خميسnkhamis@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137738أستاذ مشارك
    د. أحمد عبدالرازقaabdelrazik@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137737أستاذ مساعد
    د. أحمد كسابakassab@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137941أستاذ مساعد
    د. هديل السيدhalsayed@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137915أستاذ مساعد
    د. دينا مصطفىdmostafa@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122327747أستاذ مساعد
    د. سلمان أصغرsaasghar@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137742أستاذ مساعد
    أ. ميرهان أبو الفضلmabouelfadl@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137740محاضِرة
    أ. عظيم شمس الدينashamsudeen@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137978فني مختبرات
    أ. ود رزيقworoziak@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137739مساعدة قسم التصميم
