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الأبحاث العلمية و المشاريع

Skip Navigation LinksEffat University > جامعة عفت > دليل منسوبي الجامعة > د. علي حسن > الأبحاث العلمية و المشاريع

  • اهتمامات البحث العلمي:


  • ​“Bridging the Theological Gap between the West and East: Abû Hâmid al-Gazzâli and Augustine”, Siriit University, Turkey, Oct. 2022.
  • “No Victor but God and Its Meaning” (la ghâlib illâ Allah) the Fifth Annual Me`mariâyt International Conference, Effat University, Feb., 2020.
  • Harakat al-Tarjamah min al-Lughah al-Arabiah ilâ al-Lughah al-Lâtiniyah fi Urubbâ fî al-`Usûr al-Wusta, Arabic Federation International Federation Conference, Dubai, April, 2018.
  • “Salâh al-Dîn al-Ayyûbî cinda mu’arrikhî casr al-Tanwîr fi Britâniya: Robrertson, Hume and Gibbon, Prsented at the International Salahuddin Ayyubi Symposium, Siirt University, Turkey, Sep. 23-15, 2016. http://selahaddineyyubi.siirt.edu.tr/dosya/personel/2016661437620.pdf
  • “al-Irhasât al-‘ulâ lil-tibâcah bi-al-Lughah al-cArabiayah fi Urubbâ fi nihâyat al-qarn al-khâamis cashar wa-bidâayat al-qarn al-sâdis cashar al- milâdî, Presented in the Fifth International Conference for Arabic Language, Dubai, May 2016.
  • “al-Lughah al-Arabiayah fi al-Amrikatayn fi niyayat al-qarn al-tasic ashar
    wa-bidayat al-qarn al-ishrin”, Kitab al-Mutamar al-Dawli al-Rabic lil- Lughah al-Arabiayah, Dubai: al-Majlis al-Dawli lil-Lughah al-Arabiyah, May 6-19, 2015.
  • "Translation and Humanities: some reflection", Symposium on Translation, College of Humanities, Department of English and Translation, Effat University, Sep. 2014.
  • "Awqaf Makkah al-Mukarramah fi Misr fi al-qarn al-tasic al-hijri”, Dirasat tarikh al-Jazirah al-Arabiyah, Markaz Dirasat al-Jazirah al-Arabiayah, Riyadh, April, 2014.
  • “al-Shaykh al-Makin (1205-1273): The Forgotten Copt Historian Whose Work Changed the Protestant World Views about Islam.” presented at American Research Center Egypt Conference, Providence, RI, April, 2012.
  • “Are Book Fairs Still of Importance in Collection Development? Cairo – Riyadh Book Fairs: Comparative Observations”, presented at the Middle Eastern Library Association Conference, Washington, D. C., 2011.
  • “Early Sources of Edward Gibbon about Islam” presented at Middle Eastern Studies Association Conference, Boston, Nov., 2009.
  • “A Turning Point in Bridging Intellectual Gaps between the West and Middle East in Early Modern Europe”, Presented at the Middle Eastern Studies Association Conference, Washington, D. C., 2008.
  • “Intellectual Traditions in Early Islam”, presented at Early Islamic Civilization Conference, The Islamic Thought and Science Institute, Chicago, Illinois, May 15-16, 2004.
  • “Torture in Early Islam”, in Middle Easter Association Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, November, 2002
  • “The Role of Private Sectors in Scientific Research”, Dar al-Bayan, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, September 1999
  • "Egypt and the cAbbasid Dacwah", the American Research Center in Egypt, Cairo, May 1993.

Technical Presentations and invited Lectures:

  • “Integrating the responsibilities of collection development, public services, and cataloging as Middle Eastern studies librarianship”, The University of California – Santa Barbara, October, 2000
  • “Islamic Studies on the Internet”, the American University of Sharjah, (UAE), February 2000.​​

خريجات عفت
