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    • https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/English/Research/Pages/default.aspx, A researcherhttps://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/Arabic/Research/Pages/default.aspx, باحث
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سياسات وإجراءات خدمات الشكاوى والاعتراض

Skip Navigation LinksEffat University > جامعة عفت > أنشطة الطلاب > خدمات الشكاوى والاعتراض > سياسات وإجراءات خدمات الشكاوى والاعتراض

​​​​​​​​​Effat University's​ student concerns (​EU Policy #: EU 4218 revised and approved according to University Council Decision# UC#4/11Jan.2023/2.5-4(3)) and grade appeal (EU Policy #: EU 4217 ​​revised and approved according to University Council DecisionUC#4/11Jan.2023/2.3-4(3)policies​ are designed to provide a fair and transparent process for addressing student issues and concerns. These policies aim to uphold academic integrity, protect student rights, and ensure that all students have the opportunity to appeal grades that they believe are unjust. It is important for students to familiarize themselves with these policies to understand their rights and responsibilities and to ensure a positive academic experience.​



​Students' Concern & Greivance Policy

​​​Policy Statement

Students have the right to pose their concerns and grievances and receive recourse through mechanisms protect objectivity and fairness in all situations​.


To establish the University’s policy outlining procedures, power and authority, limits, and responsibilities for student concerns (graduate and undergraduate)​


​All University students

Responsible Party:

Deanship for Admissions and Registration​​

​Additional Authority:

Bylaws for Undergraduate Study and Examination and Implementation Rules for Effat University; Graduate Studies Bylaws and Implementation Rules at Effat University​.

Policies & Procedures

Concern and grievance procedures apply only in those cases involving a perceived impropriety arising from a decision taken and/or demonstrated behaviors by a colleague, faculty member, or staff member. They may also pertain to complaints expressing dissatisfaction with a university rule/regulation of general application challenged on the grounds that the rule/regulation is inadvisable. However, concern procedures do not pertain to university or individual college, school, department, or program policies, as long as those policies are not inconsistent with general University bylaws and policies.​

​The compaint may be in one or more of the following areas:

  • Admissions
  • Registeration
  • Scholarships or Financial Aid
  • Course-related
  • Faculty/Staff-related
  • Student versus Student
  • Services
  • Financial Issues
  • Personal Matters​

Faculty-related concerns must meet all of the following conditions:

  1. ​It must concern an academic decision, action, omission, or judgement, affecting the student personally, for which no existing university complaint prodecure is available.
  2. It must not involve a grade.
  3. It must be a matter for which the Concern Committee can identify a remedy.​

Procedure for Concern OR Grievance

Two phases will guide the overall outcome of the process. The Initial Phase is less formal and is intended to resolve the situation at a departmental/college level without the filing of a formal concern. If it cannot be resolved, the Second Phase, a more formal approach, may be pursued. Timelines for the initial phase are somewhat informal and dependent upon the parties involved; however, if a formal concern is to be filed, it must be filed immediately or no later than the end of the regular semester in which the aggrieved incident occurred.

a) Intitial Phase​ - Process and Timeline

Prior to filing a formal concern, Students should first approach the person or department perceived to be causing the concern and attempt to resolve the issue on their own if possible. If the concern is not resolved, or if the student is not comfortable approaching the person in question or if the concerned member does not provide a timely response or the student is not satisfied with the member’s response, the student may bring the concern to the attention of the chairperson of the department or Dean of college in case of academic but non-grade oriented concerns or concerns related to faculties detailing the actions that have occurred to date and this may be done through a scheduled meeting, in writing or via emails. It is expected to discuss the matter with the student in a timely manner and provide a clarifying response to the student’s inquiry. To the extent possible, all conversations will be kept confidential without fear of reprisal.

b) Second Phase - Process and Timeline

  1. If, after pre-complaint efforts are exhausted, a student chooses to bring a formal complaint, the student must file the formal complaint through the Office of the Dean for Admissions and Registration (DAR).
  2. The concern shall be considered, and normally a decision is rendered within five (5) working days from the date the Deanship for Admissions and Registration receives a completed Concern Form from the student(s).
  3. ​This policy recognizes that a group of students may delegate one or more of its members to voice a concern on its behalf. However, no one shall initiate a concern on behalf of another person or persons without the permission (signature is required) of the person(s).
  4. If a formal concern is to be filed, it must be filed immediately or no later than the end of the regular semester in which the aggrieved incident occurred.​​

Complaints must progress as outlined below:​

  1. The student must complete a Concern Form (Appendix 1), which is available through the Office of the Dean for Admissions and Registration. Sections 1 of the Form must be completed by the student for all complaints. A written statement of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the complaint must be written in the Concern Form. This statement must be clear, complete, accurate, and truthful. The student must state the exact nature of the concern and reason, attach any supporting documentation, and submit the entire packet.

  2. ​When properly completed, the Concern Form is submitted to the Office of the Dean for Admissions and Registration. The complaint will be considered as a Not Valid request without processing if:

    - The Concern Form is incomplete.

    - The student has no initiated pre-complaint efforts with the faculty members.

    - The complaint describes issues or concerns that fall outside of the definition of the concern.

  3. The Office of the Dean for Admissions and Registration will forward a copy of the Concern Form to the Relevant Dean/Unit Head which the concern is related to. The Relevant Dean/Unit Head must respond on the form and return the completed form to DAR within three (3) working days of the date it is received. The Relevant Dean/Unit Head shall immediately inform DAR of circumstances that might prevent a timely reply.​

  4. The DAR will recommend that the Relevant Dean/Unit Head call for a meeting with the concerned member. The student may be called to the meeting in an effort to mediate the dispute.​

  5. The Relevant Dean/Unit Head will complete and return the completed Concern Form to the DAR.​

  6. The DAR will forward a copy of the form complete with the college/unit head decision to the provost for her feedback and decision – if needed.​

  7. The DAR communicates the decision in writing through email to the student on the day and date of receiving the college/unit decision.

  8. If the complaint is still not resolved after communicating the decision in writing through email to the student and the student appealed the decision, the Concern Committee will convene for a final decision.

c) Concern Committee​

The Concern Committee shall include the following members:

  1. Provost (permanent voting member)
  2. Dean for Admissions & Registration (permanent voting member)
  3. Dean for Student Affairs (permanent voting member)
  4. Relevant Academic Dean housing the student(s) filing the concern (permanent voting member)
  5. Non-Academic Dean/Unit Head relevant to the subject of the concern (invited voting member)
  6. Student filing the concern (invited non-voting member)
  7. The party against which the complaint is raised (invited non-voting member)​
Parameters for Concern Committee

The Concern Committee has the responsibility to review complaints arising from concerns filed by students. It is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate the nature of the concern. It should be assumed that this is a mechanism to resolve differences between two reasonable, but conflicting, parties.​

Procedures for the Concern Committee

  1. The Chair of the Concern Committee shall be the Dean for Admissions and Registration.
  2. ​The Concern Committee will convene a hearing in which both parties have an opportunity to speak.​
  3. A single record, that is the Concern Form will be maintained by the Deanship for Admissions and Registration in the student record.​
  4. Each party will have an equal amount of time to present their case. The specific amount of time allowed will be at the discretion of the chair.​
  5. The Concern Committee members will be allowed to question either party. The question period will continue until all Concern Committee members are finished with their questions.​
  6. All parties’ subjects shall provide truthful and accurate testimony and information; and conduct themselves respectfully and in accordance with Effat University’s Code of Ethical Conduct. Abuses of the processes outlined herein, including, without limitation, the filing of a frivolous or false concern, the provision of false testimony or information, falsification or intentional destruction of evidence, coercion or attempted coercion of witnesses, or any other acts or omissions, singularly, or in the aggregate, designed to obscure the truth, undermine principles of fairness, or abuse the processes provided herein may result in immediate dismissal of a concern, and subject the offending party to appropriate disciplinary action as per Effat University'.
  7. Once all the information has been heard, the Committee will then adjourn and deliberate.
  8. All deliberations are made in a closed session excluding the student filing the concern and the party against which the complaint is raised.
  9. A decision will be made by a majority vote, based on the information presented to the Committee.
  10. The Committee will provide its written decision on the Concern Form. The decision of the Committee is final.​

Grade Appeal Policy

​Policy Statement

​Students have the right to appeal for a course grade. Grade appeals must be submitted in writing.


Effat University adheres to the Articles outlined in the Bylaws for Undergraduate Study and Examination and Implementation Rules for Effat University and the Graduate Studies Bylaws and Implementation Rules at Effat University. As per Article 39, “If the need arises, the council of the college which offers the course may agree to the re-grading of examination papers within a period not exceeding the beginning of the next semester’s examinations.” “A student who feels strongly that she has received a grade that is demonstrably inaccurate, or that the grading was unfair, must promptly discuss the matter with the instructor of the course. If the student and her instructor are unable to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution, the student may forward an official appeal to the chairman of the department offering the course, no later than the end of the fourth week of the next semester. The Department Chairman will investigate whether the appeal is justified by reviewing the instructor’s evaluation of the student based on the student’s class work and final examination scores. The Department Chairman will then take appropriate action, if she deems necessary, by submitting the student’s appeal to the College Council to decide on the case.”​


Graduate and undergraduate enrolled Effat University students​.

Responsible Party:

Deanship for Admissions and Registration​

​Additional Authority:

Bylaws for Undergraduate Study and Examination and Implementation Rules for Effat University; Graduate Studies Bylaws and Implementation Rules at Effat University​.

​Policies & Procedures


A “grade appeal” is a complaint about a final course grade, which involves one or more of the following conditions, the existence of which the student is required to prove:

  1. The instructor violated a specific University rule or policy.
  2. The instructor refused to correct a clerical or administrative error made in the process of transmitting a grade to Banner or Blackboard or to the Deanship for Admissions and Registration.
  3. The instructor refused to report any grade at all for the individual student.
  4. The grade is based on an allegation of cheating or other academic dishonesty, and the instructor has chosen not to request formal disciplinary action with the Office of the Dean for Student Affairs.
  5. ​The grade reflects threatening, abusive, exploitative, or similar personal, improper conduct towards the individual student.


The University supports and encourages responsive and respectful dialogue between faculty and students when there is a disagreement about an academic decision or final course grade. Prior to filing a formal complaint, students must communicate their concerns directly to the involved faculty member and seek clarification of the decision in dispute. If the faculty member does not provide a timely response or the student is not satisfied with the faculty member’s response, the student may bring the concern to the attention of the chairperson of the department in which the academic decision was made, or the course was taught. This may be done through a scheduled meeting or in writing. The faculty member is expected to discuss the matter with the student in a timely manner, provide a clarifying response to the student’s inquiry, and, if appropriate, adjust the disputed academic decision or grade through submitting a Grade Change Form to the Registrar. During periods of regular instruction or a regular semester, faculty should attempt to acknowledge or fully respond to a student’s inquiry within one (1) working day.

If, after pre-complaint efforts are exhausted, a student chooses to bring a formal complaint, the student must file the formal complaint through the Office of the Dean for Admissions and Registration (DAR). Filing a formal complaint is limited to the period between rolling grades and no later than the end of the fourth week of the next semester.

It should be noted that the use of devices for the purpose of recording meetings that occur as a part of the complaint process is prohibited.

Filing a Complaint: Grade Appeal Review and Decision Process​

  1. The student must complete a Grade Appeal Form (Appendix 1: Grade Appeal Form), which is available through the Office of the Dean for Admissions and Registration. Sections A, B, and C of the Form must be completed by the student for all complaints. A written statement of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the complaint must be attached to the Grade Appeal Form. This statement must be clear, complete, accurate, and truthful, and may not exceed one page. The complaint must be justified based on at least one of the 4 conditions that form the basis for a grade appeal. The student must state the exact nature of the appeal and reason, attach any supporting documentation, and submit the entire packet.
  2. When properly completed, the Grade Appeal Form is submitted to the Office of the Dean for Admissions and Registration. The complaint will be considered as a Not Valid request without processing if: a) the Grade Appeal Form is incomplete, b) the complaint is not timely filed, c) the student has not initiated pre-complaint efforts with the faculty member, or d) the complaint describes issues or concerns that fall outside of the definition of a grade appeal.
  3. The Office of the Dean for Admissions and Registration will forward a copy of the Grade Appeal Form to the Dean of the college in which the student belongs to.
  4. The DAR will recommend that the dean call a meeting with the faculty member and the department chair. The student may be called to the meeting in an effort to mediate the dispute.
  5. The Dean must respond on the form and return the completed form to DAR within three (3) working days of the date it is received. The dean shall immediately inform DAR of circumstances that might prevent a timely reply.
  6. ​The decision of the Appeal may result in one or more of the following:​
    - IP (Appendix 2 Student Request for IP Form; Appendix 3 Student Request for IC Form)
    - Repeat course assignment and/or test​
    - Change of department (Appendix 5 Change of Department Form)
    - Course/semester withdrawal (Appendix 4 Course(s) Withdrawal Form)
    - Grade Change (Appendix 6 Official Grade Change Form; Appendix 7 IP Grade Change Form; Appendix 8 IC Grade Change Form)​
    - Reject request
  7. The DAR will forward a copy of the form complete with the college’s decision to the provost (if a decision was not reached by the Dean).
  8. The provost will review the completed Grade Appeal Form and make a determination as to whether the grade appeal has merit (i.e., sufficient grounds).
  9. The provost may call for a meeting with the dean, department chair, and faculty member relevant to the course in dispute. The provost may call the student to this meeting.
  10. The provost will render a final decision within two (2) working days of the date it is received and all parties will be informed of the outcome. Then, forwards the completed Grade Appeal Form to the DAR.
  11. The provost’s decision is final and concludes the University’s consideration of the merits of a grade appeal.
  12. The DAR communicates the decision in writing through email to the student on the day and date it is received from the provost.
