Effat College of Architecture and Design offers Architecture Program that were developed in collaboration with the University of Miami, Design Program that were developed in collaboration with the Auburn University where students can choose between two concentrations: Product Design and Interior Design, and the Cinematic Arts Program that were developed in collaboration with the University of Southern California, Los Angeles where students can choose between two concentrations: Animation, and, Film Production and Direction. In addition to Master program; Master of Science in Architecture and Urbanism that were developed in collaboration with the University of Miami. The programs which are taught in English, follow the American style in education and delivery based on the liberal Arts educational philosophy. All students are required to undertake general education to enlarge their scope of knowledge and then specialize in the major that they have chosen for their future career. To prepare the graduates for their future careers as well as develop their research abilities, they have to undergo an internship and produce a piece of research before they graduate.
Effat College of Architecture and Design aspires to address local and global societal needs and future ambitions through unique and distinguished architecture, art and design education that reinforces a culture of diversity and creativity in research, practice and community service.
Effat College of Architecture and Design offers a unique group of programs dedicated to the investigation, interpretation, and creation of physical, social and sensory environment. Through its interdisciplinary instruction and ongoing research, the college graduates architects, designers, producers and film makers who extend the conventional boundaries of theory and practice to meet the challenges of a changing world locally and globally.
- Empower the presence of Effat College of Architecture and Design (ECoAD) as a contributor to the creative culture nationally and internationally by ensuring the attainment of the strategic planning goals measured by tracking the achievement of the mission and vision aligned with the university and the Saudi Vision 2030.
- Cultivate a dynamic and collaborative work environment through effective and inspiring leadership that promotes integrity in managing all the college activities within the approved governance model to ensure the best organizational performance; and achieve national and international accreditation for ECoAD Programs to reach a satisfactory level of national and international recognition.
- Provide excellence in all ECoAD distinctive academic activities, which inspire the students’ innovative, creative, and intellectual engagements and ensure dynamic learning environment that foster creativity among ECoAD students, faculty, staff and external community through state-of-the-art learning and information resources and services.
- Qualify the ECoAD graduates to be the Ambassadors of Queen Effat Legacy and agents of change by improvising the student-life quality and by attracting and retaining a diverse body of students.
- Enhance ECoAD efforts to recruit, nurture, and retain a diverse faculty and staff in order to strengthen the programs.
- Obtain up-to-date studios, workshops, and digital labs that encourage ECoAD faculty and students to practice hands-on and practicum creative projects; and maintain constructive financial management by creative use of budget and resources.
- Create a vibrant, creative, and interactive research community that generates artistic and innovative ideas worthy of implementing in the national industry, as inspired by the Saudi Vision 2030.
- Enhance the ECoAD culture of service through national and international productive partnerships and collaborations that support the community and the college.
Effat College of Architecture & Design Strategic Plan (2022-2027)
Effat College of Architecture & Design Newsletter
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Mahassine El Hachadi | melhachadi@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137746 | Lecturer |
Dr. Asmaa Ibrahim | asibrahim@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137910 | Professor &Dean of ECoAD &Director of MSAU |
Dr. Mady A. Mohamed | momohamed@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137550 | Professor & Dean for Deanship of Graduate Studies & Research |
Dr. Tamer N. El Serafi | tamerelserafi@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137928 | Associate Professor & Chair of Architecture Department |
Dr. Sajid A. Khalifa | sakhalifa@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137912 | Assistant Professor, Chair of Design Department |
Dr. Mohamed Ghazala | mghazala@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137946 | Assistant Professor & Chair of Cinematic Arts School |
Dr. Mohamad Kashef | mkashef@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137742 | Professor |
Dr. Mohammed Fekry | mfekry@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137913 | Professor |
Dr. Tarek M. Ragab | tragab@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137922 | Professor |
Dr. Mustafa M. Yousry | mmatbouly@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137743 | Professor |
Dr. Amgad A. Farghal | afarghal@effatuniversity.edu.sa | | Associate Professor |
Dr. Nermine A. Abdelhalim | neabdelhalim@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137734 | Associate Professor |
Dr. Noha E. Khamis | nkhamis@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137738 | Associate Professor |
Dr. Ahmed M. Abdelrazik | aabdelrazik@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137737 | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Ahmed M. Refaat | arefaat@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137935 | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Ahmed S. Kassab | akassab@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137941 | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Hadil H. ElSayed | halsayed@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137915 | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Ibrahim S. Saleh | isaleh@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137929 | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Mohamed M. Sobaih | masobaih@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137905 | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Taki E. Seghier | taseghier@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137735 | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Dina A. Mostafa | dmostafa@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122327747 | Assistant Professor |
Ms. Maya Kamareddine | mkamareddine@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137930 | Lecturer |
Mr. Azeem A. Shamsudeen | ashamsudeen@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137978 | Fab Lab Technician |
Ms. Mirhan A. Abouelfadl | mabouelfadl@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137740 | Lecturer |
Mr. Sultan O. Baajajah | sbaajajah@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137908 | Technician |
Dr. Salman A. Asghar | saasghar@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137742 | Assistant Professor |
Ms. Noora F. Al Doobie | naldoobie@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137918 | Assistant |
Ms. Lama Kamal | lkamal@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137939 | Architecture Assistant |
Ms. Rahaf O. AlAhyawi | roalahyawi@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137907 | Cinematic Arts Assistant |
Ms. Wed O. Roziak | woroziak@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137739 | Design Department Assistant |