Effat College of Engineering offers two Undergraduate programs; Computer Science that were developed in collaboration with Tokai University and Electrical and Computer Engineering that were developed in collaboration with Duke University. In Fall 2017, Effat College of Engineering has launched a Master’s of science degree in Energy Engineering (MSEE). This program comprises of two main tracks; renewable energy engineering and petroleum engineering. All undergraduate programs are accredited nationally by the education evaluation commission EEC-HES and internationally by the accreditation board for engineering and technology ABET. This is to ensure confidence in our technical education and highest quality of teaching standards for our students. The programs which are taught in English, follow the American style in education and delivery based on the liberal Arts educational philosophy. All students are required to undertake general education to enlarge their scope of knowledge and then specialize in the major that they have chosen for their future career. To prepare the graduates for their future careers as well as develop their research abilities, they have to undergo an internship and produce a piece of research before they graduate.
Effat College of Engineering vision is to be a world-class engineering college recognized for excellence in innovation, scientific discovery, research, and community engagement.
Effat College of Engineering offers an innovative interdisciplinary and research driven environment. It prepares professionally competent and quality conscious graduates who effectively contribute to national and international development and technological advancement.
Enhance Effat College of Engineering’s national and international presence through excellence in engineering and science education, innovative research and technology transfer, and partnerships with both community and industry in alignment with the Saudi vision 2030
Provide a positive and productive work environment in the Effat College of Engineering through good governance, transparency, and strong work ethics. In addition, maintaining and expanding national and international program accreditations and benchmarking while adhering to the highest standards of quality in processes and procedures.
Provide students with an exceptional engineering educational experience characterized by innovative program delivery, interactive learning, project-based learning, development of critical and analytical skills, and progressive research opportunities. Moreover, expand and optimize the use of cutting-edge educational resources and effectively integrating technology in the engineering curricula.
Attract and retain diverse student body by ensuring a holistic learning and lifetime experience, extensive skill and talent development, and ongoing individual support.
Recruit and retain diverse, highly qualified, and motivated engineering and science faculty, researchers, technicians, and staff, supporting their professional development.
Manage and sustain the Effat College of Engineering state-of-the-art facilities, promoting a safe and healthy environment, and complying with national and international accreditation and regulatory bodies. Moreover, enhance overall financial strength of the college through effective budgeting, external research funding, training, and consultancies.
Cultivate research environment for the engineering faculty, graduate and undergraduate students to produce quality research. Sustain strategic research partnerships, collaborations, and relations with national and international research institutions.
Enhance Effat College of Engineering partnership with the community and industry through mutual exchanges of expertise, novel contributions to the 2030 vision, and effectively engaging students, faculty, and alumnae in the service of society.
Effat College of Engineering Strategic Plan (2022-2027):
Effat College of Engineering Newsletter
Dr. Akila Sarirete | asarirete@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137900 | Associate Professor & Dean of Effat College of Engineering |
Dr. Enfel Barkat | ebarkat@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137867 | Assistant Professor, Chair of the ECE Department & MSEE Program |
Dr. Zain Balfagih | zbalfagih@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137893 | Assistant Professor & Chair of CS Dept |
Dr. Aziza Ibrahim | azibrahim@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137899 | Professor & Researcher |
Dr. Mohamed Mousa | momousa@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137881 | Professor & Researcher |
Dr. Passent M. ElKafrawy | pelkafrawy@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137896 | Professor |
Dr. Omar Kitanneh | okitanneh@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137866 | Professor & Director of CET&L & Director of NSMTU |
Dr. Mohammed Abdulmajid | moabdulmajid@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137854 | Associate Professor |
Dr. Tayeb Brahimi | tbrahimi@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137865 | Associate Professor |
Dr. Mohammad Nauman | mnauman@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137897 | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Fidaa Abed | fabed@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137898 | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Narjisse Kabbaj | nKabbaj@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137868 | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Sohail Khan | sohkhan@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137895 | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Nema Salem | nsalem@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137871 | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Amani Gandour | agandour@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137901 | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Naila Marir | namarir@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137855 | Assistant Professor |
Mr. Muhammad S. Baig | mbaig@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966122137870 | Lab Engineer |
Mr. Naveed Anwar | naveanwar@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137869 | Lab Engineer |
Ms. Sarah A. Alzahrani | sbalzahrani@effatuniversity.edu.sa | +966 122137894 | Assistant |