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Why Study Artificial Intelligence?

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​​​​​​Why Study Artificial Intelligence?

The study of Artificial Intelligence is becoming more important than ever, with AI rapidly becoming a part of our every day. This expansion into our lives has created a huge demand for AI specialists - individuals with the knowledge and adaptability to build and manage AI technologies in an ethic​al manner. ​

In this blog, we discuss why you should study Artificial Intelligence. Whether you are looking for self-study or a formal qualification, such as Effat’s BSc Computer Science degree, we can set you on the right path to a truly future-proof career.


Reasons to study AI

AI will power the future

AI is quickly permeating every aspect of our workplaces, from emerging diagnostic and analytical testing in healthcare to content generation in marketing, retail and design. It also shows no sign of slowing down. Most recently, companies like Google and Bing are making huge shifts in their industry to offer AI-generated search functions, and companies like Tesla are still pioneering AI-driven cars, which may soon become the future of independent transportation. 

Embracing AI now, while it is still in its relative youth, will put you in a great position to become a thought leader and expert in this rapidly emerging field.

AI skills are in demand

As mentioned above, having a solid understanding of and foundational skills in AI is becoming more and more in demand. In fact, recent predictions suggest that by 2025, AI will have created 97 million jobs, so it goes without saying that studying Artificial Intelligence will enhance your employability greatly.

​​A career in AI will pay well

AI and machine learning is currently playing a huge role in the tech market, and with the increased demand for AI-based roles, it can be a very lucrative industry to be a part of. According to Glassdoor, current average salaries for AI engineers are over $100,000 per year, with a high salary averaging at around $150,000 per year. Robotics Engineers in the US, as of April 2023, are paid on average $86,357 per year.

​There are many interesting AI problems still to solve

As mentioned throughout this article, there are multitudes upon multitudes of problems that AI is tackling or is still yet to tackle across a range of fields including but not limited to:

  • Healthcare - There are a whole host of ways AI could solve issues in healthcare, thanks to its ability to read massive amounts of data in a short period of time. One emerging method that AI is being used for is providing optimal drug treatments for patients. To do this, medical professionals need only input a range of data into the AI around a patient and a particular disease or illness, and the AI will be able to find consistencies and correlations between that patient and other similar patients with that same issue. This allows them to find the drug treatment that is optimal for that patient, reducing time and money spent, while potentially saving lives.

  • Finance - No doubt a very lucrative side of AI research to be in! AI technologies can be utilised in finance to predict future pricing patterns, potential economic downturns and more, which would allow businesses, financial institutions and governments the ability to plan ahead with a greater understanding to help mitigate any negative effects.

  • Environmental - Datasets could be used to accurately monitor weather and climate trends to better prepare countries for issues relating to climate change and natural disasters. On a local level, Governments could apply AI sensors to various pieces of infrastructure to collect data. This data could then be used in a range of ways, from predicting environmental issues to making cities more livable and reducing and preventing poverty and crime.

  • Business - AIs could be used to analyse exchange rates, manage supply chains, perform risk analysis on suppliers, and much more. Through this, businesses can make huge savings by accelerating buying decisions and reducing human error.​

Skills needed

What skills do you associate with studying and researching artificial intelligence? Below, we’ve pinpointed both hard and soft skills that will be beneficial to anyone looking for a career in artificial intelligence and machine learning. If you have any of these skills already, you’re off to a great start:

  • Communications - Strong communications skills are essential for a career in AI, as they allow you to share the necessary information quickly and with clarity.

  • Organisation - Being organised is vital to keeping on top of the many datasets you’ll be checking, as well as ensuring that you keep to deadlines.

  • Programming - While not all AI career paths require a great amount of programming knowledge due to no code or low-code led solutions, having a basic understanding of AI programming languages can be greatly beneficial. Learn more about what AI programming languages you may find helpful in our Skills for working in artificial intelligence blog.

  • Data Science - Having a good background in data science will give you the skillset to find the best ways to work with the data provided to produce and understand results.

  • Statistics - An understanding of statistics and probability can be greatly beneficial in an AI career, as they can give you a deeper understanding of how AI algorithms work.

  • AIOps - AIOps is the skillset that comes with working with a range of AI tools. This skillset can help you understand the wider infrastructure of AI systems and how they work together to produce user-end results.

  • IUI knowledge - IUIs (Intelligent User Interface) are the face of the AI system that users will utilise to make the AI perform specific tasks. Having a good knowledge of IUI can help you prepare a product that the user will find responsive and easy to understand.

  • Problem-Solving - Learning to problem-solve effectively is vitally important when both studying artificial intelligence and working in that field. It is the ability to properly organise, assess and resolve problems, and in AI that could be as small as a programming error, or as big as solving a worldwide issue through AI.​​

Qualifications to consider

There are a range of qualifications that would benefit individuals moving into AI and Machine Learning. If you have goals to become an artificial intelligence engineer, you should look into the following:

Bachelor’s Degree in an AI-related field

AI-related fields include Computer Science, Data Science, Cognitive Science and Mathematics. Earning a Bachelor’s through any one of these fields is a great (and sometimes necessary) first step towards working in AI and Machine Learning.

Master’s Degree

While it is not a necessity to have a Master’s degree, earning one in the above fields can give you a much deeper understanding of the workings of AI, and the ethics behind creating or working with artificial intelligence.

AI-related qualifications and accreditations

There are a host of online courses that can provide qualifications and accreditations which will provide insight into how to work with artificial intelligence and Machine Learning. Qualifications gained from these courses are the perfect accompaniment to your Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.


What can I learn on an AI program?​

Participating in an AI course will set you well on your way to an AI-led career. In these courses, you can expect to learn a number of basic and complex principles that you will call back to throughout your working life. These include elements such as:

  • Pre-calculus and higher level calculus for Engineering
  • Principles of Computing, Data and Algorithms
  • Programming
  • Statistics
  • Database Systems
  • Ethics in Computing
  • Web Application Development
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Information and Cyber Security
  • Computer Networks
  • Understanding Artificial Intelligence
  • Algorithm Analysis
  • Research Innovation and Intellectual Property​

For more information on what you could learn from an AI program, take a look at our Bachelor’s in Computer Science program today.​

Career options 

Students and individuals looking to get into AI-related fields will enjoy a wide range of career options, no doubt with more to come as AI continues to gain traction as a part of modern living.​

  • Machine Learning Engineers - This role, which is currently in incredibly high demand, requires you to have knowledge and skills to design, build and deploy an AI.

  • AI Ethics Specialists - This vitally important role would require you to have a good understanding of philosophy alongside computer sciences, so you can ensure the ethical construction and learning of AI. If you’re interested in the Ethics of AI, we recommend looking into the Responsible Artificial Intelligence Institute, who are at the forefront of AI Ethical research.

  • Data Scientists - Data scientists must be able to process huge amounts of data, and as such a highly analytical brain is required.

  • AI Researchers - AI researchers help to develop new models and algorithms, by researching and building upon current models.

  • Robotics Engineers - Robotics engineers must have a wide range of knowledge in both computer sciences and electrical and mechanical engineering. Their role is to ensure the integration of AI and robotics is completed successfully. Many robotics enthusiasts will have heard of the Boston Dynamics AI Institute, one of the leading robotics institutes in the world. Their news section offers a host of useful information that budding robotics engineers will find helpful.

  • Natural Language Processing Engineers - Natural Language Processing Engineers analyse natural language datasets to help in the creation of algorithms and models that allow AI to have a better grasp on human languages.

  • Computer Vision Engineers (CVs) - The responsibility of the CV is to help AI and computers ‘see’ image and video data. They do this by creating algorithms and models that help the AI understand what it is seeing and make decisions accordingly.

  • Deep Learning Engineers - Much like machine learning engineers, deep learning engineers will work with artificial intelligence that is programmed to have neural networks, which are designed to mimic the human brain and its thought processes. The deep learning process can be much more time-consuming than machine learning, but can also produce much more effective results.

  • AI Product Managers - AI product managers very much steer the ship on AI projects, offering guidance and support, sharing data and information, and having a good idea of what users need and what the product requirements are.​

The state of AI research

AI research is currently booming, and it is expected that those who study artificial intelligence and machine learning now will benefit greatly from that boom in the coming years. Thanks also to this boom, AI research is currently considered a very secure industry to be a part of, thanks to the ever-evolving nature of AI and machine learning, and the many benefits that AI can provide for the planet and humankind.

The most recent reports published by Grand View Research projects that by 2025, the global artificial intelligenc​e market will reach up to 390.9 billion dollars. It is highly expected that AI will be a huge market driver for the next few years and beyond, with the likes of drone technology, logistical robotics, and self-driving cars benefiting from increased image recognition through the continued work of computer vision engineers in those industries.

Through continued AI research, we can expect to see huge positive impacts throughout human society. A clear example of this, but certainly not the only one, is that AI will be able to relieve people of repetitive and dangerous tasks, which can not only prevent long-term and short-term injury, but also improve efficiencies in many industries. In freeing up these tasks, humans will be able to engage in and take ownership of roles and pursuits more suited to their natural tendencies like leadership, empathy, and creativity.

There is still a long way to go, though, for AI and machine learning, and we are still in the early stages of what is expected to become a part of our everyday lives. That is why it is vital that we encourage young people who have an interest in AI and machine learning to jump into the industry, and help to define it further. 

Effat University is a leader in artificial intelligence research. To see our published research explained in simple terms, explore our Research News section. ​

Where can I learn more about AI?

Artificial Intelligence will be a popular topic for the foreseeable future, and there are already many resources available to help you continue your AI learning. 

Students looking to study AI or already on the Computer Science program should also join us at the 2023 Learning & Technology Conference if possible, where a range of speakers and exhibitors will share their knowledge on AI, the blockchain, augmented reality, virtual reality, 3D reconstruction, and other emerging fields.

Effat’s Computer Science repository is also free to view, and features faculty research and publications on AI, covering topics like Utilising Artificial Intelligence techniques for medical image analysisArtificial Intelligence in the Brain Computer InterfaceArtificial Intelligence and machine learning research on a global scale, and much more.

The Alan Turing Institute also has a fantastic program available on Artificial Intelligence, that offers a wealth of knowledge on the subject, including the Safe and Ethical use of AI and Robotics, with research in those areas and more very much still ongoing.


Next steps

AI will play a key role in almost every modern industry in the future, including healthcare, fashion, logistics, marketing, the environment and sustainability, information technologies, and many more. This means that you can not only work towards a promising career in AI research, but you can find roles in and apply that research to other industries that you might be passionate about.

To reach that point though, you need to understand your next steps and determine the best way to join this future-proof industry.

At Effat University we offer Bachelor’s degree programs in Computer Science, with an emphasis on Artificial Intelligence and cyber security. Joining the Effat family and taking part in this program is a great first step towards a fulfilling career as an AI researcher. ​
