Aspire to Achieve

    •, A researcher, باحث
      A researcher
    •, An undergraduate, البكالوريوس
      An undergraduate
    •, A graduate, الدراسات العليا
      A graduate

Effat University Wi-Fi terms and Conditions

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Effat University is dedicated to providing a secure and efficient online environment for all users. To ensure smooth operations and protect the interests of everyone involved, our Wi-Fi usage is governed by Effat University Internet Usage Policy ( EU Policy #: EU 6020, revised and approved according to University Council Decision Decision# UC#4/11Jan.2023/2.3-4(3) ). It's important to familiarize yourself with these terms and conditions to make the most of your connectivity experience while respecting the rights and responsibilities associated with network usage​

Policy Statement: 

Members of Effat University may use the university’s internet services within acceptable protocols and standards, we want to avoid inappropriate or illegal use that may create risks for the university legality and reputation. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the suspension of internet access privileges and possible disciplinary action.​​

Acceptable and Unacceptable Policy and Procedure

  1. Effat University Networks Infrastructure provide access to technology resources 24/7 from anywhere, as well as the ability to communicate with other users worldwide. This is a privilege, and it requires that all Effat University active users act responsibly. Users must respect the rights of other users; respect the university reputation, respect the integrity of the systems and related technology resources.

  2. The University Internet services are authorized to all Effat University active students, employees, and authorized guests to perform and enhance their academic and administrative responsibilities and productivities, and it should be used for this purpose only. All Effat University students and employees are encouraged to use the Internet to their fullest potential to further the quality of teaching, learning, research, and administrative functionality at Effat University, to discover new ways of using resources to enhance teaching, learning and research and to promote staff and student development.

  3. The use of Internet services must reflect the mission of the university support the university’s goals and objectives.

  4. Incidental personal use of university’s Internet is permitted as long as it is nominal, a level of use that is reasonable and not detrimental to the main purpose for which the facilities ARE PROVIDED. Priority must be given to use of Internet resources for the main purpose for which they are provided. Personal use must comply with the University’s policies and regulations. Personal use must not be of a commercial or profit-making nature, or for any other form of personal financial gain. Personal use must not be connected to any purpose or application that conflicts with the University’s rules, regulations, policies, and procedures.

  5. Any software or files downloaded via the Internet into the university network become the property of the university. Any such files or software may be used only in ways that are consistent with the licenses or copyrights laws.

  6. The use of Internet must not expose the operations of the Effat University network systems. Effat University encourages all users to use the internet responsibly.

  7. Everyone is responsible for the Technology Access Accounts issued to him. Sharing the access account credentials with anybody is prohibited.

  8. The university prohibits discrimination based on age, race, gender, sex, religious or political beliefs. Use of internet resources to discriminate for any or all these reasons is prohibited.

  9. The Internet should not be used for illegal or unlawful purposes, including but not limited to copyright infringement, fraud, defamation, plagiarism, harassment, intimidation, forgery, impersonation, or computer system tampering.

  10. Users are prohibited from downloading/sharing music, playing games, chatting, and downloading improperly large files for personal purposes.

  11. Users must not access, view, alter, or destroy data, software, documentation, or data communications belonging to others that exists on the university’s network without authorization.

  12. Users must not use the internet to post damaging or offensive messages attacking other members of staff or students, on any social networking sites, such as rate my professors, YouTube, twitter, my space, or face book. In case of such incidents reported, the University will immediately suspend and remove privileges of the staff or student account until the complaint is heard.

  13. Use of the Effat University Internet is a privilege, not a right. If inappropriate use of the Internet is detected, the University reserves the right to revoke Internet access privileges and take appropriate disciplinary action.

  14. Provided internet facility must not be used for pornography, profanity, derogatory, defamatory, sexual racist, harassing, or offensive material. The following use of the internet is strictly prohibited:

    • Using another user’s account for surfing internet, except under proper delegate arrangements.

    • For the promotion or publication of one’s political or religious views, the operation of non-university business, or for any undertaking for personal gain.

    • To access, uploads, download, or distribute pornographic or sexually explicit material.

    • Vandalize or damage the property of any other individual or organization.

    • To invade or abuse the privacy of others.

    • Violate copyright or use intellectual material without permission.

    • To use the network/internet for personnel financing or commercial gain.

    • To degrade or disrupt the network performance.

    • Download or distribute pirated soft wares.

    • To deliberately propagate virus, worm, Trojan horse, or trapdoor program code

  15. ​15. The University may, at its discretion, may apply automatic internet monitoring, filtering, and rejection systems as appropriate, and deny accessibility of websites that is unacceptable in the terms of this Policy.​

  16. The Network and Internet traffic are monitored by MIETS department to ensure a reliable and continuous provision of the network and Internet services, and for capacity planning purposes. Effat University will maintain appropriate monitoring arrangements in relation to all Internet, related services, and facilities that it provides, and the University may apply these monitoring arrangements to all users. These arrangements may include checking the contents of, and in some instances recording, surfed websites for the purpose of:

    • Ensuring effective operation of internet facility

    • Establishing the existence of facts relevant to the university business.

    • Preventing or detecting crime.

    • Investigating or detecting unauthorized use of internet facility


  1. Surfed/visited websites can be intercepted inside or outside the university and as such there should never be an expectation of confidentiality. Do not disclose proprietary or confidential information through internet.

  2. Students and Employees are prohibited from unauthorized transmission of university confidential information, or privileged communications.

  3. Unauthorized copying and distribution of copyrighted materials is prohibited.

Secure the environment

  1. The university employs antivirus software on all computers connected to the network. Employees are prohibited from disabling anti-virus software running on university provided computer equipment.

  2. Although the university employs firewalls & antivirus software, some viruses may enter the university systems. Viruses, “worms” and other malicious code can spread quickly if appropriate precautions are not taken.

  3. It is highly recommend changing your password periodically, and not sharing it with anyone.


  1. The provided university facilities are university property. All downloads using university internet are the property of the university. These contents are NOT the property of any employee.

  2. The university reserves the right to intercept, monitor, review and/or disclose all accessed/visited websites.

  3. The university reserves the right to alter, modify, re-route, or block the website as appropriate.

  4. The internet access provided to an employee is the property of the university. Employee should use these identifiers only for the official purpose.

E. Policy Violation

Failure to comply with this policy may result in the suspension of internet access privileges and possible disciplinary action. Serious violations may cause termination of employment, or legal action when appropriate.

Examples of serious violations are:

  • Using our internet connection to steal or engage in other illegal activities.

  • Causing our computers to be infected by viruses, worms, or other malicious software.

  • Sending offensive or inappropriate emails to our customers, colleagues, or partners.​
