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اللغة: منارة الثقافة والفكر 2014 (LBCT)

Skip Navigation LinksEffat University > جامعة عفت > المؤتمرات > الترجمة في الزمان والمكان 2020 > اللغة: منارة الثقافة والفكر 2014 (LBCT)

​Language: The Beacon of Culture and Thought Conference

Dates: 5-6 November 2014
Venue: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Views of the Conference

Conference Program

Please click here to find conference program.

Call for Papers

Please click here to find conference call for papers.

Keynote Speakers

  • Prof. Basil Hatim: Professor of Translation & Interpreting, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
    “Pragmatics and Genre: A Concern for Academic Writers and Translators Alike.”
  • Prof. Abdullah Shunnaq: Professor of Translation, Yarmouk University, Jordan.
    “Public and Private Sectors in Translation: Jordan as a Case Study.”
  • Prof. Susan Hunston: Professor of English Language, University of Birmingham, UK.
    “The language of Value and the Discourse of Disciplines.”

Sessions speakers

  • Prof. Hassan Ghazala
    “Translatability of Culture: Facts and Fallacies,” Umm Al-Qura University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Prof. Musa Al-Halool
    “Literary Translation as Catharsis?” Taif University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Dr. Sanna Dhahir
    “Male Portraits in Fiction Written by Saudi Women,” EFFAT University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Dr. Ahmad Khuddro
    “Issues in Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling/Dubbing - Practical Approach,” EFFAT University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Dr. Ziad Eljishi
    “Faculty perceptions on the efficacy of bi-lingual instructors at a private college in Saudi Arabia,” Effat University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Dr. Rania M. Ibrahim
    “A Study of TOEFL Scores Predictive Validity in Relation to Student Future Academic Performance: A Case Study from Saudi Arabia,” EFFAT University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Dr. Bakhta Abdelhay
    "On how voice stylises identity: Evidence from an Algerian community", University of Mostaganem, Algeria. 
  • Dr. Abdel Wahab Saber Issawi
    “Quranic Klla in English Translations of the Quran,” EFFAT University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Dr. Rafat Y. Alwazna
    "The cultural aspect of translation: The workability of cultural translation strategies in translating culture-specific texts", King Abdulaziz University, KSA.
  • Dr. Hossam-eddin Abdulwareth
    "Culture transfer on screen: Translating culture-bound references in subtitling", Sohag University, Egypt.
  • Dr. Khadija Belfarhi
    "Texts and counter-texts of enculturation in Algerian literature", University of Annaba, Algeria.  
  • Dr. Muhammad Taghian
    “The Concept of Women-Beating in (Q 4:34): A Textual and Contextual Analysis,” Taibah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Dr. Akila Sellami Baklouti
    "Translating language varieties in literary texts: The adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain as a case study", University of Sfax, Tunisia.
  • Dr. Amira Massaabi
    “Does the English Training Delivered to Rural Saudi Female Undergraduates Meet the Quality Standards? The Case of the University College of Lith,” University of Umm Qura, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Dr. Nadia Khawandanah
    “The Exile Homeland: Splintered Identity in Saud Al Sanousi’s The Bamboo Stalk,” Umm Al Qura University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Miss. Amel Bencharef
    "Language, identity and culture", Naama University, Algeria.
  • Miss. Lamia Benadla
    "Code choice in the Algerian middle school Arabic classroom settings", Aboubakr Belkaid University, Algeria.
  • Miss. Nabila El Hajj Said
    "Politeness strategies in Algerian requests", Naama University, Algeria.
  • Miss. Karima Benheddi
    "Dialect use in Arabic Algerian literature: The Case of Rih El Djanoub" by Abd El Hamid Benhadouga", Naama University, Algeria.
  • Miss. Melouka Ziani
    "Tongue-tied learners: An issue in the foreign language classroom", University of Mostaganem, Algeria.
  • Miss. Victoria Chaar:
    "Translation of culture specific items:  Case study of idioms translated from Arabic into English and vice versa", Lebanon University, Lebanon.
  • Miss. Kholoud Al Munshi
    “Methods of Translation in Practice: Functionality and Degrees of Freedom in Translation,” EFFAT university, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Contact Information 

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