الرقي للإنجاز

    • https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/English/Research/Pages/default.aspx, A researcherhttps://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/Arabic/Research/Pages/default.aspx, باحث
    • https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/English/academics/Undergraduate, An undergraduatehttps://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/Arabic/academics/Undergraduate, البكالوريوس
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      الدراسات العليا

البحوث المنشورة

  • اهتمامات البحث العلمي:

​Journal Papers

  • M. F. El-Amin, J. Kou, S. Sun (2018), Discrete-fracture-model of multi–scale time-splitting two–phase flow including nanoparticles transport in fractured porous media, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 333, 327-249.
  • A. Salama, S. Sun, M. F. El Amin, Y. Wang, K. Kumar (2017), Flow and transport in in Porous Media: A Multiscale Focus, Geofluids 2017 (Article ID 7579015).
  • M. F. El-Amin (2017), Analytical solution of the apparent-permeability gas-transport equation in porous media, The European Physical Journal Plus 132, 129.
  • M. F. El Amin, A. G. Radwan, S. Sun (2017), Analytical Solution for Fractional Derivative Gas-Flow Equation in Porous Media, Results in Physics 7, 2432-2438.
  • M. F. El Amin, AM Saad, A Salama, S Sun (2017), Modeling and Analysis of Magnetic Nanoparticles Injection in Water-Oil Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media under Magnetic Field Effect, Geofluids 2017
  • M. F. El Amin, S Amir, A Salama, D Urozayev, S Sun (2017), Comparative study of shale-gas production using single- and dual-continuum approaches, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 157, 894-905.
  • A Salama, M. F. El Amin, K Kumar, S Sun (2017), Flow and transport in tight and shale formations, Geofluids 2017
  • M F El-Amin, (2017), Stability Analysis of the Modified IMPES Scheme for Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media Including Dynamic Capillary Pressure, Procedia Computer Science 2017, 2328-2332.
  • M. F. El-Amin, A. M. Saad, S. Sun and A. Salama (2017), Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Nanoparticles Injection into Two-phase Flow in a Porous Medium, Procedia Computer Science 2017, 2260-2264.
  • M. Ibrahem, M. F. El-Amin, S. Sun (2017), Effects of Nanoparticles on Melting Process with Phase-Change Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method, Results in Physics 7, 1676-1682.
  • M. F. El-Amin, J. Kou, S. Sun A. Salama (2017), An iterative implicit scheme for nanoparticles transport with two-Phase flow in porous media, Procedia Computer Science 80, 1344-1353.
  • M. F. El-Amin, J. Kou, S. Sun (2017), Convergence analysis of the nonlinear iterative method for two-phase flow in porous media associated with nanoparticle injection, Int. J. Num. Meth. Heat Fluid Flow 27(10), 2289-2317.
  • A. M. Ibrahem, M. F. El-Amin, A. A. Mohammadein, R. S. R. Gorla (2017), Lattice Boltzmann technique for heat transport phenomena coupled with melting process, Heat and Mass Transfer, 53 (1), 213-221. 
  • M F El-Amin, A Salama, S Sun (2015), Numerical and dimensional analysis of nanoparticles transport with two-phase flow in porous media, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 128, 53-64.
  • A. Salama, M. F. El-Amin, S. Sun (2015), Three-dimensional numerical investigation of flow and heat transfer in rectangular channels subject to partial blockage, Heat Transfer Engineering 36 (2), 152-165.
  • A. Salama, S. Sun and M. F. El-Amin (2015), Investigation of thermal energy transport from an anisotropic central heating element to the adjacent channels: A multipoint flux approximation, Annals of Nuclear Energy 76, 100-112.
  • A Salama, A Negara, M. F. El-Amin and S Sun (2015), Numerical investigation of nanoparticle transport in anisotropic porous media, J. Contaminant Hydrology, Accepted.
  • T Zhang, A Salama, S Sun, M. F. El-Amin (2015), Pore network modeling of drainage process in patterned porous media: a quasi-static study, J. Comp. Sc. 9, 64-69.
  • M. F. El-Amin, A Salama and S Sun (2015), Numerical simulation and analysis of confined turbulent buoyant jet with variable source, J. Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 
  • M. F. El-Amin, R. Meftah, A Salama, S Sun (2015), Numerical treatment of two-phase flow in porous media including specific interfacial area, Procedia Computer Science 51, 1249-1258. 
  • A Salama, S Sun, M. F. El-Amin (2015), An algorithm for the numerical solution of the pseudo compressible Navier-Stokes equations based on the experimenting fields approach. Procedia Computer Science 51, 1229-1238.
  • M F El-Amin, A Salama and S Sun (2014), Numerical simulation and analysis of confined turbulent buoyant jet with variable source, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2014,
  • M F El-Amin, S Sun and A Salama (2014), Simulation of buoyancy-induced turbulent flow from a hot horizontal jet, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B 26 (1), 104-113. 
  • A. Salama, S. Sun and M. F. El-Amin (2014), Numerical investigation of natural convection in two enclosures separated by anisotropic solid wall, Int. J. Num. Meth. Heat & Fluid Flow 24(8), 1928-1953.
  • M F El-Amin, A Salama, S Sun (2013), A generalized power-law scaling law for a two-Phase imbibition in a porous medium, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 111, 159-169.
  • M F El-Amin, A Salama, S Sun (2013), Numerical and dimensional investigation of two-phase countercurrent imbibition in porous media, J. Comp. Applied Mathematics 242, 285-296.
  • A Salama, I Abbas, M F El-Amin, S Sun (2013), Comparison study between the effects of different terms contributing to viscous dissipation in saturated porous media, Int. J. Thermal Sciences 64, 195–203.
  • A Salama, S Sun, M F El-Amin (2013), A multipoint flux approximation of the steady-state heat conduction equation in anisotropic media, J. Heat Transfer-ASME 135 (041302).
  • A Salama, S Sun, M F El-Amin (2013), An efficient IMPES-based, shifting matrix algorithm to simulate two-phase, immiscible flow in porous media with application to CO2 sequestration in the subsurface, SPE J. 18(6): 1092-1100, SPE-163140-PA.
  • M F El-Amin, A Salama, A A El-Amin, R S R Gorla (2013), Combined effects of thermal dispersion and variable viscosity on non-Darcy convection heat transfer in a fluid saturated porous medium. J. Porous Media, 16 (5): 471–482.
  • S Sun, A Salama, M F El-Amin (2012), Matrix-oriented implementation for the numerical solution of the partial differential equations governing flows and transport in porous media, Computers & Fluids 68, 38-46.
  • M F El-Amin, Shuyu Sun (2012), Horizontal H2-Air turbulent buoyant jet resulting from hydrogen leakage, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 37: 4. 3949-3957.
  • M F El-Amin, Shuyu Sun, Amgad Salama (2012), Theoretical Analysis and Semi-Analytical Solutions for a Turbulent Buoyant Hydrogen-Air Jet, Journal of Applied Mathematics 2012. 
  • M F El-Amin, A Salama, S Sun, R S R Gorla (2012), Development of flow and heat transfer in the vicinity of a vertical plate embedded in porous medium with viscous dissipation effect, Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media, 3: 2. 169-175.
  • M F El-Amin, Shuyu Sun, M A El-Ameen, Y A Jaha, R S R Gorla (2011), Non-Darcy free convection of power-law fluids over a two-dimensional body embedded in a porous medium, Transport in Porous Media, 86 (3), 965-972.
  • Amgad Salama, M F El-Amin, I Abbas, Shuyu Sun (2011), On the viscous dissipation modeling of thermal fluid flow in a porous medium, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 81: 1865–1876.
  • M F El-Amin, N A Ebrahiem, Amgad Salama, Shuyu Sun (2011)  Radiative mixed convection over an isothermal cone embedded in a porous Medium with variable permeability, Journal of Applied Mathematics 2011.
  • A Negara, M F El-Amin, S Sun (2011), Simulation of CO2 plume in porous media: consideration of capillarity and buoyancy effects, Int. J. Numer. Analys. Model., 2: 4. 315–337.  
  • M F El-Amin, Shuyu Sun (2011), Effects of gravity and inlet/outlet location on a two-phase co-current imbibition in porous media, J. Applied Mathematics 2011. 
  • M F El-Amin, Shuyu Sun (2011), Combined effect of magnetic field and thermal dispersion on a non-Darcy mixed convection, Journal of Thermal Science, 20: 3. 276-282.
  • M F El-Amin, S Sun, H Kanayama (2010), Non-Boussinesq turbulent buoyant jet of a low-density gas leaks into high-density ambient, Applied Mathematics Computations, 217: 3764–3778.
  • M F El-Amin, S Sun, W Heidemann, H Müller-Steinhagen (2010), Analysis of a turbulent buoyant confined jet using realizable k-ε model, Heat Mass Transfer, 46: 943-960.
  • M F El-Amin, A Salama, I Abbas (2010), Viscous dissipation effect on natural convection in a fluid saturated porous medium, J. Porous Media, 13: 11. 989-997.
  • M F El-Amin, H Kanayama (2009), Similarity Consideration of the buoyant jet resulting from hydrogen leakage, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 34: 5803-5809.
  • M F El-Amin (2009), Non-Boussinesq turbulent buoyant jet resulting from hydrogen leakage in air, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34: 7873-7882.
  • M F El-Amin, H Kanayama (2009)  Boundary layer theory approach to the concentration layer adjacent to the ceiling wall of a hydrogen leakage: Axisymmetric impinging and far regions, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 34(3): 1620-1626.
  • M F El-Amin, H Kanayama (2009) Integral solutions for selected turbulent quantities of small-scale hydrogen leakage: a non-buoyant jet or momentum-dominated buoyant jet regime, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 34(3) 1607-1612.
  • Ibrahim Abbas, M F El-Amin, Amgad Salama (2009) Effect of thermal dispersion on free convection in a fluid saturated porous medium, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, 30: 2. 229-236.
  • M F El-Amin, H Kanayama (2008)  Boundary Layer Theory Approach to the Concentration Layer Adjacent to a Ceiling Wall at Impinging Region of a Hydrogen Leakage, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33: 21. 6393-6400.
  • M F El-Amin, M Inoue, H Kanayama (2008) Boundary Layer Theory Approach to the Concentration Layer Adjacent to a Ceiling Wall of a Hydrogen Leakage: Far Region   International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33: 24. 7642 – 7647.
  • V Panthalookaran, M F El-Amin, W Heidemann, H Müller-Steinhagen (2008) Calibrated models for simulation of stratified hot water heat stores   International Journal of Energy Research 32: 7. 661-676.
  • M F El-Amin, W A Aissa, Amgad Salama (2008) Effects of Chemical Reaction and Double Dispersion on Non-Darcy Free Convection Heat and Mass Transfer   Transport in Porous Media 75: 1. 93-109.
  • S Ndong-Mefane, H Kanayama, M Ogino, M F El-Amin (2008)  A Stabilization Method for the Hydrogen Diffusion Model in Materials   Journal of Computational Science and Technology 2: 4. 447-458. 
  • M F El-Amin, Ibrahim Abbas, Rama Subba Reddy Gorla (2008)  Boundary layer natural convection in a fluid saturated porous medium using finite element method   International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research 35: 5. 445-458.
  • M F El-Amin, Rama Subba Reddy Gorla (2008)  Unsteady free convection induced by a vertical plate embedded in a porous media, International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research 35: 5. 434-444.
  • Ibrahim Abbas, M F El-Amin, Amgad Salama (2008)  Combined effect of thermal dispersion and radiation on free convection in a fluid saturated, optically thick porous medium, Forschung im Ingenierwesen72: 3. 135-144.
  • M F El-Amin, Ibrahim Abbas, Rama Subba Reddy Gorla (2007)  Effects of Thermal Radiation on Natural Convection in a Porous Medium   International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research 34: 2. 129-144.
  • M F El-Amin, N A Ebrahiem (2006)  Effects of Viscous Dissipation on Unsteady Free Convection in a Fluid Past a Vertical Plate Immersed in a Porous Medium   Transport in Porous Media 64: 1. 1-14.
  • M F El-Amin, M A El-Hakiem, Rama Subba Reddy Gorla  (2006)  Magnetohydro-dynamic Free Convection of a Large Prandtl Number Liquid Over a Nonisothermal Two-Dimensional Body   International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research 33: 2. 153-167.
  • M F El-Amin, N A Ebrahiem, Rama Subba Reddy Gorla (2005)  Heat Transfer in Magnetohydrodynamic Hiemenz Flow of a Micropolar Fluid   International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research 32: 2. 123-138.
  • M F El-Amin, Rama Subba Reddy Gorla (2005)  Non-Darcy Free Convective Heat Transfer from a Plate in a Porous Medium   International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research 32: 1. 21-38.
  • M F El-Amin (2005)  Thermal dispersion effects on non-Darcy axisymmetric free convection in a power-law fluid saturated porous medium   International Journal Applied Mechanics and Engineering 10: 1. 77-86. 
  • M F El-Amin, A A Mohammadein (2005)  Effects of Viscous Dissipation and Joule Heating on Magnetohydrodynamic Hiemenz Flow of a Micropolar Fluid  Heat Transfer Engineering 26: 6. 75-81.
  • M F El-Amin (2004)  Non-Darcy Free Convection from a Vertical Plate with Time-Periodic Surface Temperature Oscillations   Journal of Porous Media 7: 4. 331-338.
  • M F El-Amin (2004)  Combined effect of internal heat generation and magnetic field on free convection and mass transfer flow in a micropolar fluid with constant suction   Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 270: 1-2. 130-135.
  • M F El-Amin, M A El-Hakiem, M A Mansour (2004), Combined Effect of Magnetic Field and Lateral Mass Transfer on Non-Darcy Axisymmetric Free Convection in a Power-Law Fluid Saturated Porous Medium   Journal of Porous Media 7: 1. 65-71.
  • M F El-Amin (2004) Double dispersion effects on natural convection heat and mass transfer in non-Darcy porous medium   Applied Mathematics and Computation 156: 1. 1-17.
  • M F El-Amin (2003)  Combined effect of magnetic field and viscous dissipation on a power-law fluid over plate with variable surface heat flux embedded in a porous medium   Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 261: 1-2. 228-237.
  • M F El-Amin (2003)  Combined effect of viscous dissipation and Joule heating on MHD forced convection over a non-isothermal horizontal cylinder embedded in a fluid saturated porous medium   Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 263: 3. 337-343.
  • M F El-Amin, M A El-Hakiem, M A Mansour (2003)  Effects of viscous dissipation on a power-law fluid over plate embedded in a porous medium   Heat and Mass Transfer 39: 10. 807-813.
  • M F El-Amin, A A Mohammadein (2001)  MHD effects on a power-law fluid past a vertical plate embedded in a porous medium with variable surface heat flux   International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 6: 1. 117-131.  
  • M A El-Hakiem, M F El-Amin (2001)  Thermal radiation effect on non-Darcy natural convection with lateral mass transfer   Heat and Mass Transfer 37: 2-3. 161-165.
  • M A El-Hakiem, M F El-Amin (2001)  Mass transfer effects on the non-Newtonian fluids past a vertical plate embedded in a porous medium with non-uniform surface heat flux   Heat and Mass Transfer 37: 2-3. 293-297.   
  • M F El-Amin (2001)  Magnetohydrodynamic free convection and mass transfer flow in micropolar fluid with constant suction   Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 234: 3. 567-574.
  • A A Mohammadein, M F El-Amin (2000)  Thermal radiation effects on power-law fluids over a horizontal plate embedded in a porous medium, International Communications Heat Mass Transfer 27: 7. 1025-1035.
  • A A Mohammadein, M F El-Amin (2000), Thermal Dispersion–Radiation Effects on Non-Darcy Natural Convection in a Fluid Saturated Porous Medium, Transport in Porous Media 40: 2. 153-163.
  • M A Mansour, M F El-Amin (1999), Thermal dispersion effects on non-Darcy axisymmetric free convection in a saturated porous medium with lateral mass transfer   Int. J. App. Mech. Eng. 4: 4. 127-137.

Conference Proceedings Papers

  • M. F. El-Amin, J Kou, S Sun, A Salama (2016), An iterative implicit scheme for nanoparticles transport with two-phase flow in porous media, Procedia Computer Science 80, 1344-1353.
  • MEA Meng-Huo Chen, Amgad Slama, M. F. El-Amin, (2016), Numerical Aspects Related to the Dynamic Update of Anisotropic Permeability Field During the Transport of Nanoparticles in the Subsurface, Procedia Computer Science 80, 1382–1391.
  • T Zhang, A Salama, S Sun, M. F. El-Amin (2015), Pore network modeling of drainage process in patterned porous media: a quasi-static study, In: International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2015, Reykjavík, Iceland, 1-3 June 2015.
  • M. F. El-Amin, A Salama and S Sun (2015), Nanoparticles transport and two-phase flow in porous media, Interpore7, Padua, Italy, 18-21 May, 2015.
  • A Salama, M. F. El-Amin and S Sun (2015), Numerical investigation of nanoparticle transport in anisotropic porous media, Interpore7, Padua, Italy, 18-21 May 2015.
  • M F El-Amin (2015), Dimensional analysis of nanoparticles transport in oil reservoir, SPE-175689, 2015 SPE North Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition, Cairo, Egypt, 14-16 Sep 2015.
  • M F El-Amin, S Sun, A Salama (2014), An efficient scheme for two-phase flow in porous media including dynamic capillary pressure, In: The 2014 International Conference of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, London, U.K., 2-4 July, 2014. (Best paper award)
  • M F El-Amin, S Sun, A Salama (2013), Enhanced oil recovery by nanoparticles injection: modeling and simulation In: 18th Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference (MEOS), Bahrain, 13–15 March 2013.
  • M F El-Amin, A Salama, S Sun (2013), On the stability of the finite difference based lattice Boltzmann method, In: International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2013, Barcelona, Spain, 3-5 June 2013.
  • M F El-Amin, S Sun, A Salama (2012), Modeling and simulation of nanoparticle transport in multiphase flows in porous media: CO2 sequestration, Mathematical Methods in Fluid Dynamics and Simulation of Giant Oil and Gas Reservoirs, Istanbul, Turkey, 3–5 September 2012.
  • M F El-Amin, A Salama, S Sun (2012), Modeling and Simulation of Nanoparticles Transport in a Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media In: SPE International Oilfield Nanotechnology Conference and Exhibition held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 12–14 June 2012.
  • Amgad Salama, Shuyu Sun, M F El Amin (2012), A novel numerical approach for the solution of the problem of two-phase, immiscible flow in porous media: Application to LNAPL and DNAPL, In: AIP Conference Proceedings-American Institute of Physics 1453, pp. 135.
  • A Salama, A Azamatov, M F El-Amin, S Sun (2012)  CFD investigation of flow and heat transfer of nanofluids in isoflux spirally fluted tubes In: SPE International Oilfield Nanotechnology Conference and Exhibition held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 12–14 June 2012.
  • M F El-Amin, Amgad Salama, Shuyu Sun (2012)  A Conditionally Stable Scheme for a Transient Flow of a Non-Newtonian Fluid Saturating a Porous Medium   In: International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2012, Procedia Computer Science 9, 651–660.
  • M F El-Amin, A Negara, A Salama, K Bao, S Sun (2012)  CO2 Injection into Oil Reservoir Associated with Structural Deformation In: 2012 SPE Saudi Arabia Section Technical Symposium and Exhibition, AlKhobar, Saudi Arabia, 8–11 April 2012.
  • Shuyu Sun, Amgad Salama, M F El-Amin (2012)  An Equation-Type Approach for the Numerical Solution of the Partial Differential Equations Governing Transport Phenomena in Porous Media   In: International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2012, Procedia Computer Science 9, 661–669.
  • M F El-Amin, A Negara, A Salama, S Sun (2012), Simulation of coupled flow and mechanical deformation using implicit pressure-displacement explicit saturation (IMPDES) scheme, In: SPE Middle East Unconventional Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 23–25 January 2012.  
  • Amgad Salama, Shuyu Sun, M F El Amin (2012), An efficient IMPES-based, shifting matrix algorithm to simulate two-phase, immiscible flow in porous media with application to CO2 sequestration in the subsurface, In: Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, 7–9 February 2012.
  • M F El-Amin, Ardiansyah Negara, Amgad Salama, Shuyu Sun (2012), An algorithm for the simulation of coupled flow and mechanical deformation in porous media, In: CSIM Annual Review Meeting Feb. 9-10, 2012, Houston, USA.
  • Ardiansyah Negara, M F El-Amin, Shuyu Sun (2012), Reservoir simulation of CO2 injection: Importance of gravity and capillary pressure, In: CSIM Annual Review Meeting Feb. 9-10, 2012, Houston, USA.
  • Amgad Salama, M F El-Amin, Shuyu Sun (2012), A novel numerical approach for the simulation of transport phenomena in porous media: application to CO2 sequestration, In: CSIM Annual Review Meeting Feb. 9-10, 2012, Houston, USA.
  • M F El-Amin, S Sun (2011), Horizontal H2-air turbulent buoyant jet resulting from hydrogen leakage, In: International Conference on Renewable Energy (ICRE2011), 17-21 Jan. 2011 Jaipur, India.
  • S Sun, M F El-Amin (2011), A few issues in oil reservoir simulation: gravity force, scaling laws, and negative capillary pressure phenomena, 2010 CSIM Annual Meeting, Jan 13-14, 2011, Utah, USA.
  • M F El-Amin, A Negara, A Salama, S Sun (2011), Modeling and simulation of structural deformation of isothermal subsurface flow and carbon dioxide injection, SPE Saudi Arabia Section Technical Symposium and Exhibition held in AlKhobar, Saudi Arabia, 15–18 May 2011, Paper: SPE-SAS 1260.
  • M F El-Amin, S Sun (2011) A Finite Difference Scheme for Double-Diffusive Unsteady Free Convection from a Curved Surface to a Non-Newtonian Fluid Saturated Porous Medium, International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) from June 1-3, 2011 in Singapore.
  • M F El-Amin, Shuyu Sun (2010), Uniform and non-uniform inlet temperature of a vertical hot water jet injected into a rectangular tank, Thermal Issues in Emerging Technologies, ThETA 3, Cairo, Egypt, Dec 19-22nd 2010.
  • M F El-Amin, S Sun (2010) Scaling, analysis and computations of the two-phase countercurrent imbibition, Inaugural CSIM Meeting, April 30, May 1-2, 2010, KAUST, KSA.
  • M F El-Amin, H Kanayama (2009) Non-Boussinesq plume resulting from a small-scale hydrogen leakage, The 10th Asian Hydrogen Energy Conference, April 8-10, 2009 Daegu, Korea.
  • M F El-Amin, I Abbas, H Kanayama (2009) Combined effect of viscous dissipation and thermal dispersion in a fluid saturated porous medium using finite element method, 15th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF09) Chuo University April 1-3, 2009, Tokyo, Japan. 
  • M F El-Amin, H Kanayama (2009), Analytical estimation for selected turbulent quantities of non-buoyant jet, intermediate and plume regimes resulting from small-scale hydrogen leakage in air, 10th US Congress in Computational Mechanics, July 16-19, 2009, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
  • S Ndong-Mefane, H Kanayama, M Ogino, M F El-Amin (2008), Numerical simulation of the hydrogen diffusion in materials by finite element method, 2nd Joint Seminar Kyushu University - Bordeaux University, "Hydrogen-Related Science, Technologies and Society" 10-11 July, Fukuoka, Japan.
  • M F El-Amin, H Kanayama (2008) Numerical simulation of a hydrogen leakage jet, 1st Japan-Egypt Int. Symposium on Science and Technology (EJISST2008), June 8-10, 2008 142 Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
  • H Kanayama, H Tsukikawa, O Sakuragi, M F El-Amin (2008), Boussinesq approximation of hydrogen dispersion in a ventilation model using finite element analysis, 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), June 30 – July 5, 2008, Venice, Italy. 
  • M F El-Amin, H Tsukikawa, M Inoue, H Kanayama (2008), Accidentally Hydrogen Leakage in a Partially Open Space, The Humboldt Kolleg on The Advancement of Science and Technology in Africa, 22-24 March 2008, Assuit-Egypt.
  • H Tsukikawa, H Kanayama, K Matsuura, M Inoue, M F El-Amin (2008)  Analysis of hydrogen impinging a ceiling in an open space, Proceedings of 2008 JSME Conference, Aug 3-7, Yokohama, Japan. 
  • M F El-Amin, W Heidemann, H Müller-Steinhagen (2005), Turbulent jet flow into a water store, Heat Transfer in Components and Systems for Sustainable Energy Technologies 5-7 April 2005 345-349 Heat SET 2005 Grenoble, France.
  • M F El-Amin, W Heidemann, H Müller-Steinhagen (2004), Unsteady buoyancy-induced and turbulent flow from a hot horizontal jet entrance into a solar water storage, WSEAS International Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer (HMT 2004), Aug. 17-19 WSEAS Corfu Island, Greece.
  • N A Ebrahiem, M F El-Amin (2004), Influence of variable permeability on mixed convection radiation over an isothermal cone in a porous medium, WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Aug. 17-19, 2004, Corfu Island, Greece.
  • A A Mohammadein, M F El-Amin (2004), Magnetic field effects on free convection to a conducting non-Newtonian fluid from an axisymmetric body with surface heat flux, WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Aug. 17-19, 2004, Corfu Island, Greece.
  • M F El-Amin, M A Mansour (2000), Viscous dissipation effects on unsteady free convection in non-Newtonian fluid past a vertical plate immersed in a porous medium, 2nd International Conference in Basic Science and Advanced Technolgy, Nov. 5-8 Assuit University Egypt.
  • M F El-Amin (2000), Finite difference method of unsteady non-Newtonian power-law fluids with stability condition, 14th Meeting in Mathematics, July 2-3 Hellwan University Cairo, Egypt.
  • M F El-Amin (2000), A New Method for solving the linear algebraic system, 2nd International Conference in Basic Science and Advanced Technolgy, Nov. 5-8. Assuit University Egypt.
  • M F El-Amin, A A Mohammadein (1999), Mixed convection in non-Newtonian over a horizontal plate with vectored mass transfer, Meeting of Applied Mathematics, April 22 Cairo University Egypt.
  • M F El-Amin, M A El-Hakiem (1999), MHD free convection and mass transfer flow of a micropolar fluid through a porous medium with constant suction, 6th Conference in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, March 3-4 Accademy of Scientific Research Cairo, Egypt.
  • M M Ali, M F El-Amin (1997), Solution of linear differential systems with variable coefficients, 3rd Int. Conf. On Eng. Math. and Phys. (ICEMP-Dec), vol. 1, 121-129 Cairo University Egypt.
  • M M Ali, M F El-Amin (1997), Lypunov stability and boundedness of solutions of linear differential systems with variable coefficients, 3rd Int. Conf. on Eng. Math. and Phys. (ICEMP-Dec), vol. 1, 138-146 Cairo University Egypt.
  • M M Ali, M F El-Amin (1997), The characteristic indices for linear differential systems with variable coefficients, In: 3rd Int. Conf. on Eng. Math. and Phys. (ICEMP-Dec), vol.1, 147-155 Cairo University Egypt.
  • M M Ali, M F El-Amin (1997), Solution of a class of the n-th order linear differential equation with variable coefficients, 3rd Int. Conf. On Eng. Math. and Phys. (ICEMP-Dec), vol. 1, 130-137 Cairo University Egypt.

خريجات عفت
