الرقي للإنجاز

    • https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/English/Research/Pages/default.aspx, A researcherhttps://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/Arabic/Research/Pages/default.aspx, باحث
    • https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/English/academics/Undergraduate, An undergraduatehttps://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/Arabic/academics/Undergraduate, البكالوريوس
    • https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/English/academics/graduate, A graduatehttps://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/Arabic/academics/Graduate, الدراسات العليا
      الدراسات العليا

قسم العمارة


  1. Provide a professional learning and research environment that corresponds to the ‎Architecture department mission and vision and track the progress of their achievement to ‎guarantee the attainment of its strategic goals.‎
  2. Provide a professional, encouraging and productive atmosphere that runs within the ‎approved governance model to guarantee the efficient performance of the set organizational ‎structure and attain the local and international accreditation of the programs included in the department.
  3. Provide state of the art facilities, equipment, learning, teaching and research resources to ‎meet international standards of excellence, promote creativity and align to the global transformation ‎in architectural and related disciplines.‎
  4. Create diverse, collaborative and inclusive learning and social environment to attract and ‎retain innovative and creative students, and highly qualified graduates.
  5. Recruit highly qualified and motivated faculty and researchers, to create a vibrant, ‎innovative and interactive learning, teaching and research environment that aligns with the Saudi ‎vision.‎
  6. Update and enhance learning and research resources to match global standards of ‎excellence in terms of new technologies.‎
  7. Contribute to the advancements of architecture and the related disciplines knowledge and ‎practices through research with environmental and socio-economic impacts in alignment with Saudi ‎Vision 2030.‎
  8. Develop partnerships and collaborations with national/international institutions and ‎organizations to broaden and enrich the pedagogical and research environment and expand the ‎impact of the department in community engagement and professional consultancy.‎​

Academic Programs:


    الاسم البريد الالكتروني الهاتف الاسم الوظيفي
    د. أسماء إبراهيمasibrahim@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137910أستاذة وعميدة كلية عفت للعمارة والتصميم ورئيسة قسم العمارة وبرنامج ماجستير العلوم في العمارة والعمران بالتكليف
    د. ماضي محمدmomohamed@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137550أستاذ وعميد الدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي
    د. تامر صيرفي‎tamerelserafi@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137928أستاذ مشارك ورئيس قسم العمارة
    د. محمد كاشفmkashef@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137742أستاذ
    د. محمد فكريmfekry@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137913أستاذ
    د. طارق رجبtragab@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137922أستاذ
    د. امجد علي فرغل afarghal@effatuniversity.edu.saأستاذ مشارك
    د. نرمين عبدالجليلي عبدالحليمneabdelhalim@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137734أستاذ مشارك
    د. أحمد محمد رفعتarefaat@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137935أستاذ مساعد
    د. إبراهيم صالحisaleh@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137929أستاذ مساعد
    د. تقي الدين صغيرtaseghier@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137735أستاذ مساعد
    أ. مايا قمر الدينmkamareddine@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137930محاضِرة
    أ. لما كمالlkamal@effatuniversity.edu.sa+966 122137939مساعدة قسم العمارة
