الرقي للإنجاز

    • https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/English/Research/Pages/default.aspx, A researcherhttps://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/Arabic/Research/Pages/default.aspx, باحث
    • https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/English/academics/Undergraduate, An undergraduatehttps://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/Arabic/academics/Undergraduate, البكالوريوس
    • https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/English/academics/graduate, A graduatehttps://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/Arabic/academics/Graduate, الدراسات العليا
      الدراسات العليا

المنشورات البحثية

فصول من كتاب

  • A. Douik, H. Dahrouj, O. Dhifallah, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Coordinated Scheduling in Cloud Radio Access Networks", in Cloud Radio Access Networks: Principles, Technologies, and Applications, Cambridge University Press, Jan. 2016. (invited chapter)

براءات الاختراع

  • H. Dahrouj, W. Yu, T. Tang, J. Chow and R. Selea,``Method and apparatus for coordinated power-zone-assignment in wireless backhaul networks'', United States Utilities Patent No. 14/093,011, May 2014.
  • T. Tang, H. Dahrouj, J. Chow and R. Selea, ``Method and apparatus for inter-cluster power management'', United States Utilities Patent No. 61/723,494, May 2014.
  • T. Tang, H. Dahrouj, J. Chow and W. Yu, ``Method and apparatus for determining network clusters for wireless backhaul networks'', United States Utilities Patent No. 14/129,150, May 2014.
  • H. Dahrouj, W. Yu, T. Tang, J. Chow and R. Selea,``Method and apparatus for mitigating wireless interference via power control with one-power-zone constraints'', United States Utilities Patent No. 13/852,765, Mar. 2013.
  • H. Dahrouj, W. Yu, T. Tang and S. Beaudin,``Interference mitigation with scheduling and dynamic power spectrum allocation for wireless networks'', United States Utilities Patent No. 13/463,478, Nov 2012.

المجلات الدورية

  • O. Dhif-Allah, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Robust Beamforming for Cache-Enabled Cloud Radio Access Networks", submitted to IEEE Access, Nov. 2017.
  • O. Dhif-Allah, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Distributed Robust Power Minimization for the Downlink of Multi-Cloud Radio Access Networks", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Sep. 2017. (invited paper)
  • A. Douik, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Distributed Scheduling/Signal-Level Coordination in Multi-Cloud Radio-Access Networks", in IEEE Transactions on Communications, Sep. 2017.
  • A. Douik, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Low-Complexity Scheduling and Power Adaptation for Coordinated Cloud-Radio Access Networks", in IEEE Communications Letters, Aug. 2017.
  • I. Randrianantenaina, H. ElSawy, H. Dahrouj, and M.-S. Alouini, ``Interference Management in Full-Duplex Cellular Networks With Partial Spectrum Overlap", in IEEE Access, Special Issue on Physical and Medium Access Control Layer Advances in 5G Wireless Networks, Apr. 2017.
  • O. Dhif-Allah, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Decentralized SINR Balancing in Cognitive Radio Networks", in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Jul. 2016.
  • A. Douik, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Hybrid Radio/Free-Space Optical Design for Next Generation Backhaul Systems", in IEEE Transactions on Communications, Jun. 2016.
  • A. Douik, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Coordinated Scheduling and Power Control in Cloud-Radio Access Networks", in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Apr. 2016.
  • H. Dahrouj, A. Douik, F. Rayal, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Cost-Effective Backhaul Solutions for Next Generation Wireless Systems", in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Special Issue on Smart Backhauling and Fronthauling  for 5G Networks, Nov. 2015. Impact factor: 5.417
  • H. Dahrouj, A. Douik, O. Dhifallah, M.-S. Alouini and T. Y. Al-Naffouri, ``Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks: Advances and Challenges", in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Special Issue on Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks, Jun. 2015. Impact factor: 5.417
  • H. ElSawy, H. Dahrouj, M.-S. Alouini and T. Y. Al-Naffouri, ``Virtualized Cognitive Network Architecture for 5G Cellular Networks", in IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue on 5G Cognitive Networks, Jun. 2015. (invited paper)
  • H. Dahrouj, W. Yu and T. Tang, ``Power spectrum optimization for interference mitigation via iterative function evaluation'', in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Optimization Techniques in Wireless Communication Networks, Aug. 2012. (invited paper)
  • H. Dahrouj and W. Yu, ``Multicell interference mitigation with joint beamforming and common message decoding", in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 2264-2273, Aug. 2011.
  • H. Dahrouj and W. Yu, ``Coordinated beamforming for the multicell multi-antenna wireless system", in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1748-1759, May 2010. This paper has been cited more than 680 times so far.

منشورات المؤتمرات

  • A. Douik, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Joint Scheduling and Beamforming via Cloud-Radio Access Networks Coordination", submitted to IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'18), Oct. 2017.
  • I. Randrianantenaina, H. Dahrouj, H. ElSawy, and M.-S. Alouini, ``Distributed Resource Allocation in Full-Duplex Cellular
  • Networks with Partial Spectrum Overlap", submitted to IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'18), Oct. 2017.
  • L. Niyazi, A. Chaaban, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Energy-Aware Sensor Networks via Sensor Selection and Power Allocation", in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'17): Workshop on Next Generation Backhaul/Fronthaul Networks (IEEE BackNets 2017), Sep. 2017.
  • O. Dhif-Allah, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Distributed Robust Power Minimization for the Downlink of Multi-Cloud Radio Access Networks", in IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. (Globecom'16), Dec. 2016.
  • B. Al-Oquibi, O. Amine, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Distributed Robust Power Minimization for the Downlink of Multi-Cloud Radio Access Networks", in IEEE Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC): Workshop: Inclusive Radio Communication Networks for 5G and Beyond (IRACON2016) (IEEE PIMRC 2016 Workshop IRACON2016), Sep. 2016.
  • A. Douik, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Resilient Backhaul Network Design Using Hybrid Radio/Free-Space Optical
  • Technology", in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2016.
  • I. Randrianantenaina, H. ElSawy, H. Dahrouj, and M.-S. Alouini, ``Interference Management with Partial Uplink/Downlink Spectrum Overlap", in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2016.
  • O. Dhif-Allah, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Decentralized Group Sparse Beamforming for Multi-Cloud Radio Access Networks", in IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. (Globecom'15), San Diego, USA, Dec. 2015.
  • A. Douik, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Hybrid Scheduling/Signal-Level Coordination in the Downlink of Multi-Cloud Radio-Access Networks", in IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. (Globecom'15), San Diego, USA, Dec. 2015.
  • K. Elkhalil, M. E. Eltayeb, H. Dahrouj and T. Y. Al-Naffouri, ``Distributed User Selection in Network MIMO Systems with Limited Feedback", in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall'15), Sep. 2015.
  • O. Dhif-Allah, H. Dahrouj, M.-S. Alouini and T. Y. Al-Naffouri, ``Hybrid backhauling for cloud radio-access networks", in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall'15), Sep. 2015.
  • A. Douik, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Cost Efficient Cellular Backhaul Network Design Using Hybrid Radio-Free Space Optical Technology", in Workshops in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Jun. 2015.
  • A. Douik, H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Coordinated Scheduling for the Downlink of Cloud Radio-Access Networks", in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Jun. 2015.
  • H. Dahrouj, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri and M.-S. Alouini, ``Distributed Cloud Association for Downlink Multicloud Radio Access Networks", in IEEE 49th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems(CISS), Mar. 2015.
  • H. Dahrouj, T. Tang, H. T. Chen and R. Selea, ``Fairness and Throughput Balancing via Power Control in Wireless Backhaul Networks'', in IEEE 27th Queen's Biennial Symposium on Communications, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Jun. 2014.
  • H. Dahrouj, W. Yu, T. Tang, J. Chow and R. Selea, ``Coordinated scheduling for wireless backhaul networks with soft frequency reuse'', in 21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Marrakech, Morocco, Sep. 2013. 
  • H. Dahrouj, W. Yu, J. Chow and R. Selea, ``Interference mitigation via power control under the one-power-zone constraint'', in IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. (Globecom), Anaheim, CA, USA, Dec. 2012.
  • K. Hosseini, H. Dahrouj and R. Adve, ``Distributed clustering and inter-cluster interference management in two-tier networks'', in IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. (Globecom), Anaheim, CA, USA, Dec. 2012.
  • H. Dahrouj, W. Yu and T. Tang, ``On power spectrum optimization by iterative function evaluation'', in Proc. IEEE 26th Queen's Biennial Symposium on Communications, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, May 2012.
  • H. Dahrouj, W. Yu, T. Tang and S. Beaudin, ``Power spectrum optimization for interference mitigation via iterative function evaluation'', in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. (Globecom), First Workshop on Distributed Antenna Systems for Broadband Mobile Communications, Houston, TX, Dec. 2011.
  • H. Dahrouj and W. Yu, ``Achievable rate improvement using common message decoding for multicell networks", in Proc. IEEE 44th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, Nov. 2010. (invited paper)
  • H. Dahrouj and W. Yu, ``Interference mitigation with joint beamforming and common message decoding in multicell systems", in Proc. IEEE Int. Sym. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Austin, Texas, USA, Jun. 2010.
  • H. Dahrouj and W. Yu, ``Coordinated beamforming for the multi-cell multi-antenna wireless system", in Proc. IEEE 42nd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems(CISS), Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, Mar. 2008, pp. 429-434.
  • H. Dahrouj, S. Abdallah and S.S. Abdallah, ``Design and implementation of an experimental FM Based Passive Radar", in 4th FEA student conference at the American University of Beirut}, Beirut, Jun. 2005, pp. 165-168.