Aspire to Achieve

    •, A researcher, باحث
      A researcher
    •, An undergraduate, البكالوريوس
      An undergraduate
    •, A graduate, الدراسات العليا
      A graduate

Master of Science in Energy Engineering

Skip Navigation LinksEffat University > Effat University > Academics > Graduate > Effat College of Engineering
Key Fact
  • Program name
    Master of Science in Energy Engineering
  • Program code
  • Program supervisor
    Dr. Enfel Barkat
  • Program length
    2 years
  • Credit hours

About the Program


Saudi Arabia is an oil-based economy with one of the largest oil reservoirs in the world and ranks as the largest exporter of petroleum. The petroleum sector accounts for roughly 80% of budget revenues, 45% of GDP, and 90% of export earnings. Moreover, the statistical analysis through several financial international institutions for the country's economy and its sustainable future indicates a notable growth in oil and energy sectors including renewable energy, energy generation, and petrochemicals. Such growth will add value to upstream energy production and will satisfy the high in-demand market's needs.

The development of Saudi competitiveness in the industry requires the establishment of a strong technical educational program and professional training in various fields of energy that would increase the employment of Saudi youth, particularly, females. Furthermore, these energy professionals, scientists, and researchers based in Saudi Arabia would offer their outstanding potential necessary for the expected economic growth and the inevitable need for efficiently utilizing the energy resources.

At Effat University, we are continuously striving to bring new state-of-the-art academic programs to the institution to qualify and prepare women to become top leaders and dynamic professionals at international and national levels. As part of this overall effort, Effat University has developed a new Master's program in energy called "Master of Science in Energy Engineering".  The program is designed to prepare the students to address challenges faced in different aspects of energy engineering. The graduate program follows an interdisciplinary approach in design, implementation, management, energy systems upgrading, comprising production transport and efficient utilization of energy. Social and economic aspects will be integrated into a scientific and technological perspective in order to enable future professionals to deal with the complexities of today's relationships between energy, economy, and environment.

The “Master of Science (ME) in Energy Engineering" program, the first of its kind in Saudi Arabia, will prepare students with the scientific and technical expertise to address the crucial issues of energy and sustainability. Offering such a program is not just achievable, but also serves the Kingdom's general mission and vision for the achievement of a sustainable economic development. The core and elective courses of the curriculum will build a solid foundation for leadership roles in this growing and challenging energy field. The partnership with local and international institutions and research centers allows us to incorporate practical industrial knowledge and credibility to the program.​

Vision, Mission, and Goals


Graduate influential catalysts in Energy Engineering who combine the highest level of education, research, technical competences, and innovative skills necessary for contributing to transformative science and sustainable technological energy solutions locally and globally.​


A world class leader in providing the society with outstanding researchers and specialists in Energy Engineering who would   contribute to the development of future solutions that advances society, drive economic progress, and protect environment.​​


  1. Ensure the MSEE Program’s achievement of its mission through quality education, cutting-edge research, and contribution to national and international communities in alignment with the Saudi Vision 2030.
  2. Provide a progressive and dynamic work environment conducive to enhanced productivity, learning and personal growth through effective leadership and seek national and international accreditation
  3. Provide graduate students with an academic excellence by providing an innovative, distinctive and high-quality education in Energy Engineering and Research.
  4. Attract and retain an exceptional, diverse body of graduate students and transform them into role models for future generations of engineers by cultivating an environment that supports effective knowledge exchange and innovative research.
  5. Maintain diverse, highly qualified faculty and staff by providing support in professional and personal development opportunities; and maintaining a healthy, professional work environment.
  6. Provide and maintain state-of-the-art learning facilities that promote students' hands-on and design experiences with a self-sufficient and expandable academic infrastructure; and maintain and enhance overall financial strength.
  7. Foster high quality collaborative applied research among faculty and graduate students with industrial and academic partners as well as national and international institutions.
  8. Build national and international long-term productive partnerships and collaborations with industry and academic institutions and develop outreach programs to strengthen the relationship of the MSEE program with the community.​

Educational Objectives

The Master of Science in Energy Engineering program prepares Saudis to meet the demand for engineers, scientists, and researchers in Saudi Arabia’s booming energy sector. Through completion of fundamental courses in related sciences, as well as through independent research, the program prepares graduates for professional work in the energy sector to design, select, implement, and use innovative technologies to operate effectively in a competitive and multi-disciplinary industrial context, characterized by significant environmental, regulatory, smart management, and safety constraints. In addition to equipping the students with the fundamentals, the Master of Science in Energy Engineering program helps them apply this knowledge to innovate, research and develop solutions to real-life problems in the field, and liaise with local industries and businesses to this effect.

The Master of Science in Energy Engineering program aims at producing graduates who, after a few years from graduation, will:

PEO-1Thoroughly understand energy-engineering theory, research and recent developments, including what the latter contribute to the field’s store of knowledge.

  • PEO-2: Be familiar with and able to use advanced, research-and-inquiry techniques that are applicable not only to energy engineering practice, but also to fundamental research
  • PEO-3: Continue developing intellectually through active participation in technical and professional activities

  • PEO-4:Act in a professional and ethical manner in their chosen careers, while also communicating effectively as an individual or a team member.

Learning Outcomes

​The Master of Science in Energy Engineering program is designed for professionals who wish to develop a high-level understanding of the principles and practices of energy engineering and to strengthen their skills in this area. By the time of graduation, students should demonstrate the following program learning outcomes (PLOs):​

  • PLO1: Demonstrate thorough knowledge and critical understanding of the main areas of energy engineering, including principal concepts, principles and theories, and their current application.

  • PLO2: Demonstrate Awareness of the latest developments in energy engineering, including emerging issues, research techniques, and associated professional practice.

  • PLO3: Demonstrate the ability to develop and use advanced techniques of research and inquiry applicable to energy engineering, and the use of those techniques in carrying out a significant research or professional project.

  • PLO4: Acquire and apply new practical and theoretical knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

  • PLO5: Diagnose recent issues to regulate provisions in the local and international environment that might affect the energy engineering field and knowledge of reasons for and future implications of those changes.

  • PLO6: Identify, formulate and solve complex energy engineering problems to propose new solutions to theoretical and practical problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics

  • PLO7: Apply engineering design to provide solutions by applying practical and theoretical knowledge, and research techniques with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors

  • PLO8: Communicate effectively with a range of audiences through reports, presentations, and publications

  • PLO9: Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions

  • PLO10: Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts

  • PLO11: Function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative

Career Opportunities

​The career outlook for graduates in Energy Engineering is exceptionally bright, both in governmental and private institutions. Graduates can be employed in a wide range of industries such as engineering, manufacturing, private and public consulting firms as well as sectors in electricity and natural gas, petroleum, renewable energy and the environment, strategic analysis for the energy sector, risk management and business continuity, oil and g​as economics, and in utilities and public boards that supply energy as electricity.

​Career oppor​tu​​ni​​​ties:

Students who choose the master of science in energy engineering will be able to work productively in the following areas: 

  • Transmission system operator
  • Power plant operator  
  • Wind turbine engineer
  • Environmental engineer  
  • Industrial engineer  
  • Water treatment specialist 
  • Nuclear power reactor operator 
  • Completions engineers 
  • Drilling engineers
  • Natural gas engineers 
  • Production engineers 
  • Reservoir engineers​

Graduation Requirements

To be able to graduate, students should complete the following

  1. A GPA ≥ 3.0/4.0
  2. A total of 36 credit-hours distributed as follows:
    • 30 credits hours of course requirements, 
    • 6 credit hours for Thesis.
  3. ​There is a possibility of transferring credits from previous institutions subject to committee approval.​​

Study Plan

Master of Science in Energy Engineering​ Study Pla​n (PD​F)

    Year 1: Semester 1

  • Course Code
    Course Name
    Credit Hours
  • MSEE 500
    Sustainable Energy Engineering
    Graduate Standing
  • MSEE 510
    Solar and Wind Energy Systems
    Graduate Standing
  • MSEE 540
    Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
    Graduate Standing
  • Total Credit Hours:​
  • Year 1: Semester 2

  • Course Code
    Course Name
    Credit Hours
  • MSEE 501
    Energy Storage and Conversion
    MSEE 500
  • MSEE 530
    Introduction to Petroleum Engineering
    MSEE 500
  • MSEE 531
    Reservoir Engineering Fundamentals
    MSEE 540
  • MSEE 550
    Research Seminar
    Dept. Approval
  • Total Credit Hours:
  • Year 2: Semester 3

  • Course Code
    Course Name
    Credit Hours
  • MSEE 532
    Carbon Capture and Sequestration
    MSEE 500
  • Choice
    Elective 1
  • Choice
    Elective 2
  • Total Credit Hours:
  • Year 2: Semester 4

  • Course Code
    Course Name
    Credit Hours
  • MSEE 551
    MSEE 550
  • Choice
    Elective 3
  • Total Credit Hours:
  • Total Credit Hours required for MSEE Program:

    ​Technical Electives

  • Course Code
    Course Name
    Credit Hours
  • MSEE 511
    Renewable Energy Integration
    MSEE 500
  • MSEE 512
    Data Analysis and Machine Learning for Energy Systems
    MSEE 500
  • MSEE 513
    Reaction Engineering
    MSEE 500
  • MSEE 541
    MSEE 500
  • MSEE 542
    Geothermal Energy
    MSEE 540 & MSEE 541
  • MSEE 543
    Applications in Heat and Mass Transfer
    MSEE 500
  • MSEE 533
    Principles of Well Testing and Evaluation
    MSEE 500
  • MSEE 534
    Petroleum Engineering Design
    MSEE 500
  • MSEE 535
    Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow
    MSEE 500
  • MSEE 520
    Energy Economics Policies and Environment
    Graduate Standing

Fact Sheet



Bachelor GPA
2.75/4 or 3.75/5
Major GPA
2.75/4 or 3.75/5
Very Good
Effat Placement Tests
TOEFL / Linguaskill / IELTS
546 / 169 / 6.0
Definitions & Conversion Charts
Additional Department Requirement
Recommendation Letter
Personal Statement
Contact Information
Program supervisor
Tel.+966 122137899
Tel.+966 122137894 


    Our qualifications are recognised globally, so you can study safe in the knowledge that wherever your path may lead, you have the whole wide world to choose from.

Effat Alumnae
