Aspire to Achieve

    •, A researcher, باحث
      A researcher
    •, An undergraduate, البكالوريوس
      An undergraduate
    •, A graduate, الدراسات العليا
      A graduate


Judging Criteria:

  • All of the quests are ranked based on the criteria in the Robotic Quest Mannual. Students are judged on achieving the quest aims, their application of technological principles and concepts, and their ability to solve difficult problems through a team approach. 
  • During the judging for each quest, only the quest facilitator and judges/officials are permitted in the designated quest area.  Instructors, team advisors, parents and additional competition attendees are prohibited from entering into the roped off area of the quest while judging is occurring.
  •   Concerns regarding, or objections to a judge's ruling must be brought to the attention of the Director of Quest Judging or Director of Events at the time of the quest judging.  For all quests and special awards, the decisions of the judge(s) are final and binding.

​Judging committees:

Faculty members from different departments in college of engineering of Effat University
