Aspire to Achieve

    •, A researcher, باحث
      A researcher
    •, An undergraduate, البكالوريوس
      An undergraduate
    •, A graduate, الدراسات العليا
      A graduate


  • Research Interests:

​​​University of Monastir, Tunisia

Accreditation to Supervise Research in Finance (HDR), on May 23, 2013                                   
I obtained the accreditation to supervise Ph.D. theses and guide students to write scientific papers
University of Tunis, Higher Institute of Management of Tunis, Tunisia
Ph.D. in Management Sciences (major in Finance)  2008
Dissertation: “Stock index returns: volatility measurement and control"
Honors: Dissertation passed with highest honor on June 23, 2008
Nagasaki University - Japan
Master's degree in Economics (major in Finance), first of my promotion 2002
Thesis: “Modeling the exchange rate risk" passed with President's award on March 25, 2002
Nagasaki University - Japan
Research certificate in Finance, first of my promotion 2000
Subject: “Options, Futures and other derivatives". On April 7, 2000
University of Carthage, Higher Institute of Business Studies, Tunisia
Bachelor's degree in Higher Business Studies (major in Finance)  1997​


Effat Alumnae
