Aspire to Achieve

    •, A researcher, باحث
      A researcher
    •, An undergraduate, البكالوريوس
      An undergraduate
    •, A graduate, الدراسات العليا
      A graduate


  • Research Interests:


1.      Saiti Buerhan, (2020), Challenges and Impacts of Religious Endowments on Global Economics and Finance, IGI Global Publications (with Adel M. Sarea), ISBN: 9781799812456  DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1245-6

2.      Saiti,  Buerhan, (2016), Islamic Banking Operations, publisher: International Council of Islamic Finance Educators (ICIFE), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  ISBN 978-967-13714-8-0

3.      Saiti, Buerhan, (2016), Financial Derivatives, publisher: Open University Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

4.      Saiti, Buerhan, (2008), Determinants of Halal Meat Consumption in China, Jabatan Pemasaran dan Sistem Maklumat, Fakulti Perniagaan dan Perakaunan, Universiti Malaya.

Book chapters


  1. Burhan ULUYOL, (2024), Determining the Best Machine Learning Model by Predicting the Participation Index of the Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange With Artificial Intelligence, In book: Cutting-Edge Technologies for Business Sectors, Chapter: 6, DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-9586-8.ch006, Publisher: IGI Global (with Enes Özdemir)

  2. Burhan ULUYOL, (2024), “Proposing an Islamic Microfinance Model for Financial Inclusion in North Macedonia", In book:  Islamic Finance and Financial Innovation: Cultural, Regulatory, and Technological Challenges, Chapter: 11, Publisher: Routledge, Taylor & Francis (with Selma Rizvanovic-Mandal, forthcoming)

  3. Burhan ULUYOL, (2023), “The Examination of Shariah Compliance of Equity Crowdfunding Companies in Indonesia", In Green Finance Instruments, FinTech, and Investment Strategies: Sustainable Portfolio Management in the Post-COVID Era (pp. 237-259). Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-29031-2 (With Ahmad Hidayatullah)

  4. Burhan ULUYOL, (2021), “Contrast in Ethics, Morality, Justice and Behavior: Some Reflections on Business and Islamic Ethics", Multidisciplinary Approaches to Ethics in the Digital Era, Chapter: 16, pp.292-305. Publisher: IGI Global (with Khaliq Ahmad bin Mohamad and Othman Altwajiry). DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4117-3

  5. Burhan ULUYOL, (2021), “The Ethical and Political Theories of Al-Farabi and Their Implications for Modern Islamic Economics and Finance", History of Islamic Economic Thought, Publisher: Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University

  6. Buerhan Saiti, (2020), “Are Finance and Human Development Important for Economic Growth? International Evidence from Dynamic GMM Approach". Handbook of Analytical Studies in Islamic Finance & Economics (DeGruyter), Chapter 26, pp.609-646 (With Md.Akther Uddin, Mansur Masih).

  7. Buerhan Saiti, (2020), “Waqf: Fundamentals, Principles and Modern Applications". Challenges and Impacts of Religious Endowments on Global Economics and Finance, chapter 1, pp.01-22. Publisher: IGI Global (with Ruslan Nagayev, Rashed Jahangir)

  8. Buerhan Saiti, (2020), “Towards Knowledge Based Waqf Organizations". Challenges and Impacts of Religious Endowments on Global Economics and Finance, chapter 6. pp.100-120. Publisher: IGI Global (with Abdelkader Laallam, Engku Rabiah Adawiah, Salina Kassim)

  9. Buerhan Saiti, (2020), “Eliminating Trust Issues in Islamic Interbank Monetary System by Blockchain Technology". Impact of Financial Technology (FinTech) on Islamic Finance and Financial Stability, Chapter 1, pp.01-11. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0039-2.ch001.  Publisher: IGI Global (with Furkan Yavuz)

  10. Buerhan Saiti, (2020),The Role of Cash-Waqf in Societal Responsibility: Learning from the Multi-Dimensional Approaches of International Organizations". Challenges and Impacts of Religious Endowments on Global Economics and Finance, Chapter 9, pp.168-191. Publisher: IGI Global (with Adama Dembele, Mehmet Bulut)
  11. Buerhan Saiti, (2019), “The Role of Cash Waqf in Poverty Reduction: A Multi-Country Case Study" Management of Shari'ah Compliant Businesses – Case Studies on Creation of Sustainable Value (Springer), pp 21-34. ISBN:  978-3-030-10907-3 (With Abdiwali Jama Salad, Mehmet Bulut).
  12. Buerhan Saiti, (2018), “Reverse Mudarabah: An alternative of classical Mudarabah for financing small businesses" In book: Management of Islamic finance: Principles, practices, and performance, International Finance Review (Emerald) (pp. 175-188). (With Yusuf DİNÇ).
  13. Saiti, Buerhan, Hishamuddin Abdul Wahab, and Khaliq Ahmad. (2017). Contracts, structures, and computation mechanisms of Islamic bank retail financing products: a critical assessment. In Islamic Banking: Growth, Stability and Inclusion, (pp. 81-125). Palgrave Macmillan.
  14. Billah, M. M. S., & Saiti, Buerhan. (2017). Islamic Financial Planning Towards Sustainable Eco-Growth. In Islamic Economies: Stability, Markets and Endowments, (pp. 9-27). Palgrave Macmillan.
  15. Santoso, B., Ahmad, Khaliq., & Saiti, Buerhan. (2017). Money in Islamic Banking System. In Islamic Economies: Stability, Markets and Endowments, (pp. 99-125). Palgrave Macmillan.
  16.  Buerhan Saiti, Aznan Hasan, Engku Rabiah Adawiah Engku Ali, (2016), Islamic Interbank Money Market: Contracts, Instruments and Their Pricing. In Islamic Capital Markets (pp. 67-100). Springer International Publishing.

Journal article publications


  1. Burhan ULUYOL, (2024), Financial Derivative Instruments and Their Applications in Islamic Banking and Finance, Borsa Istanbul Review, (In press) (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  2. Burhan ULUYOL, (2024), Investors' Demand in Initial Public Offering (IPO): Shariah Compliance, Corporate Governance and Macroeconomic Factors, ", Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, (in press). (with Abdullah Al Masud) (SCOPUS & WoS)

  3. Burhan ULUYOL (2024), What drives to adopt Islamic banking products and services: is it shariah compliance or convenience?", Journal of Islamic Marketing, (In press). (with Jamshed, K.M.) (SCOPUS & WoS)

  4. Burhan ULUYOL, (2024). Diversification benefits of Turkey-based investors: evidence from top trading partners based on a multivariate-GARCH approach. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, (ahead-of-print). (with Kılıç, N. & Hassan, K.) (WoS ESCI)

  5. Burhan ULUYOL, (2023), “A Comprehensive Empirical and Theoretical Literature Survey of Islamic Bonds (Sukuk)", Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 13(3), 1277-1299. DOI:   (SCOPUS & WoS)

  6. Burhan ULUYOL, (2023), “The Impacts of Conventional and Islamic Banking Sectors on Real Sector Growth: Evidence from Time-Varying Causality Analysis for Turkiye", Borsa Istanbul Review, 23, S15-S29. (with Hasan Kazak, Ahmet Tayfur Akcan, Mustafa İyibildiren) (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  7. Burhan ULUYOL, (2023). The influence of Islamic leadership on work performance in service industry: an empirical analysis. International Journal of Ethics and Systems, 40(1), 127-152. (with Zaim, H., Erzurum, E., Zaim, S., & Seçgin, G.) (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  8. Buerhan Saiti, (2023), "Does Market Power explain Margins in Dual Banking? Evidence from Panel Quantile Regression",  International Journal of Finance and Economics, 28(2):1826-1844. (with Mudeer A. Khattak and Shabeer Khan) (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  9. Burhan ULUYOL, (2022). The components of intellectual capital and organisational performance in waqf institutions: evidence from Algeria based on structural equation modelling. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 13 No. 7, pp. 1110-1136. (with Laallam, A., Kassim, S., & Ali, E. R. A. E.) (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  10. Burhan ULUYOL, (2022). Islamic Mutual Fund: The Contracts, Structures, Screening, and Pricing Mechanisms, Journal of Investment Strategies, 11(3):1-42. (with Abubakar Suleiman and Metin Toprak), DOI: 10.21314/JOIS.2022.009 (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  11. Buerhan Saiti, (2022), “Why non-Muslims Subscribe to Islamic Banking?", Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 247-269. (with Abubakar Aliyu Ardo, Ibrahim Guran Yumusak) (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  12. Burhan ULUYOL, (2021), “Mapping Waqf Research: A Thirty-year Bibliometric Analysis", Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 12(5):748-767, (with Silvana Secinaro, Davide Calandra and Federico Lanzalonga), DOI: 10.1108/JIABR-01-2021-0031 (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  13. Buerhan Saiti, (2021),The Global Cash Waqf: A Tool Against Poverty in Muslim Countries", Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 13(3):277-294, (with Adama Dembele, Mehmet Bulut) (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  14. Buerhan Saiti, (2021), “Does Information Disclosure Reduce Stock Price Volatility? A Comparison of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Gulf Countries", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 16(8):1769-1792, (Tawfik Azrak, Ali M. Kutan, Engku Rabiah Adawiah) (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  15. Buerhan Saiti, (2021), “A Review of Islamic Stock Market, Growth and Real-Estate Finance Literature", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 16(7):1259-1290, (with M. Kabir Hassan, Sirajo Aliyu, Zairihan Abdul Halim) (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  16. Buerhan Saiti, (2021), The Impact of Earnings variability and Regulatory Measures on Income Smoothing: Evidence from Panel Regression, Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, 10(1), 183-201. DOI: 10.2478/jcbtp-2021-0009 (with Amina Malik, Haroon Aziz, Shahab Ud Din) (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  17. Buerhan Saiti, (2021), “Banks' Environmental Policy and Business Outcomes: The Role of Competition", Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(1):302–317, (with Mudeer Ahmed) (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  18. Buerhan Saiti, (2021),Waqf in Algeria: Its Historical Exploration from Ottoman to Post-Independence Era", Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 11(1):133-158 (with Abdelkader Laallam, Salina Kassim, Engku Rabiah Engku Ali) (SCOPUS)

  19. Buerhan Saiti, (2020), “The Bibliometric Analysis of Islamic Banking and Finance", Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 11(10):2069-2086, (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI) (with Paolo Pietro Biancone, Denisa Petricean and Federico Chmet)

  20. Buerhan Saiti, (2020),The Diversification Benefit of Islamic Investment to Chinese Conventional Equity Investors: Evidence from the Multivariate GARCH Analysis", International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 13(1):1-23, (with Ma Muxing, Ruslan Nagayev and Ibrahim Guran Yumusak) (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  21. Buerhan Saiti, (2020), “The Impact of climate change mitigation policies on corporate financial performance: Evidence-based on European publicly listed firms", Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(6):2491-2501. (with Silvana Secinaro, Valerio Brescia, Davide Calandra) (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  22. Buerhan Saiti, (2020), Intellectual Capital in Non-Profit Organisations: Lessons Learnt for Waqf Institutions", ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, Vol. 12 No. 1, pp. 27-48., (with Abdelkader Laallam, Engku Rabiah Adawiah, Salina Kassim) (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  23. Buerhan Saiti, (2020), “Comparative Analysis between Global Sukuk and Bond Indices: Value at Risk Approach", Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 11(6):1245-1256, (with Rubaiyat Ahsan Bhuiyan, Maya Puspa Rahman, Gairuzazmi Bin Mat Ghani) (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  24. Buerhan Saiti, (2020),The Impact of Exchange Rate, Oil Price and Gold Price on the Kuwaiti Stock Market: A Wavelet Analysis", The European Journal of Comparative Economics, 17(1), pages: 31-54 (Ahmad Alrazni, Basheer Hussein Motawe Altarturi, Latifah Munassar ) (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  25. Buerhan Saiti, (2019), “The Impact of Oil Prices and Financial Market on Cost Efficiency in the Insurance and Takaful Sectors: Evidence from a Stochastic Frontier Analysis", Economic Systems, 43(3-4), 100716, (with Ahmad Alrazni Alshammari, Syed Musa Alhabshi) (Elsevier & SSCI)

  26. Buerhan Saiti, (2019), “The Impact of Competition on Cost Efficiency of Insurance and Takaful Sectors: Evidence from GCC Markets based on the Stochastic Frontier Analysis", Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 47, Pages 410-427 ( (with Ahmad Alrazni Alshammari , Syed Musa Alhabshi) (Elsevier & SSCI)

  27. Buerhan Saiti, (2019), “Does the Malaysian Sovereign Sukuk Market Offer Portfolio Diversification Opportunities for Global Fixed-Income Investors? Evidence from Wavelet Coherence and Multivariate-GARCH Analyses", The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Volune 47, Pages 675-687 (with Rubaiyat Ahsan Bhuiyan, Maya Puspa Rahman, Gairuzazmi Bin Mat Ghani) (, (SSCI & ELSEVIER).

  28. Buerhan Saiti, (2019), “The Contracts, Structures and Pricing Mechanisms of Sukuk: A Critical Assessment", Borsa Istanbul Review, 19(S1), S21-S33 ( (With Siti Sarah Razak ,  Yusuf DİNÇ) (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI).

  29. Buerhan Saiti, (2019), “Co-Movement Dynamics between Global Sukuk and Bond Markets: New Insights from a Wavelet Analysis", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 14(4):550-581 (with Rubaiyat Ahsan Bhuiyan, Maya Puspa Rahman, Gairuzazmi Bin Mat Ghani), (in press), (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI).

  30. Buerhan Saiti, (2019), “Islamic Finance in Southeast Asia", Oxford Islamic Studies Online, Mar 27, 2019. <>

  31. Buerhan Saiti, (2018), “Financial Integration between Sukuk and Bond Indices of Emerging Markets: Insights from Wavelet Coherence and Multivariate-GARCH Analysis", Borsa Istanbul Review, (with Rubaiyat Ahsan Bhuiyan, Maya Puspa Rahman, Gairuzazmi Bin Mat Ghani), 18(3), pp.218-230. (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI).

  32. Buerhan Saiti, (2018), “Unveiling the Diversification Benefits of Islamic Equities and Commodities: Evidence from Multivariate-GARCH and Continuous Wavelet Analysis", Managerial Finance, 44(6), pp.830-850 (with Muhammad Rizky Prima Sakti, Mohammad Ali Tareq, Mansur Masih) (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  33. Buerhan Saiti, (2019), “Islamic Crowdfunding: Fundamentals, Developments and Challenges", Islamic Quarterly, 62(3), pp. 469-484. (with Muhammad Hamal Musito, Ensari Yucel) (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  34. Buerhan Saiti, (2018), “Financing agricultural activities in Afghanistan: A proposed salam-based crowdfunding structure", ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 10(1), pp.52-61. (with Muhibullah Afghan, Nazrul Hazizi Noordin) (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  35. Buerhan Saiti, Nazrul Hazizi Noordin, (2018), “Does Islamic Equity Investment Provide Diversification Benefits to Conventional Investors? Evidence from the Multivariate-GARCH Analysis", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 13(1), pp.267-289.  (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  36. Buerhan Saiti, (2018), “A Comparative Study of the Historical and Current Development of the GCC Insurance and Takaful Industry", Journal of Islamic Marketing, 9(2), pp.356-369. (with Ahmad Alrazni Alshammari, Syed Musa Alhabshi) (Emerald & SCOPUS, ESCI)

  37. Buerhan Saiti, (2018), “The Diversification Benefits within Islamic Investments: The Case of Malaysian-Based Islamic Equity Investors", Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 26 (2): 961 – 984. (with Nazrul Hazizi Noordin) (SCOPUS

  38. Buerhan Saiti, (2018), “Is gold a hedge or a safe haven? - An Application of ARDL Approach", Journal of Economics Finance and Administrative Science, 23(44), pp.60-76. (with Mohammad Hassan Shakil, Is'haq Muhammad Mustapha, Mashiyat Tasnia). (Emerald & SCOPUS) 

  39. Buerhan Saiti, (2018), “Diversification benefits in energy, metal and agricultural commodities for Islamic investors: evidence from multivariate GARCH approach", Quantitative Finance and Economics, 2(3), 733-756. (with Abdulnasir Dahiru, Ibrahim Guran Yumusak). (WoS ESCI)

  40. Buerhan Saiti, (2018), “A three-way analysis of the relationship of the USD value and the prices of oil and gold: A wavelet analysis", AIMS Energy, 6(3), pp. 487–504. (with Basheer H. M. Altarturi, Ahmad Alrazni Alshammari, and Turan Erol) (SCOPUS)

  41. Hishamuddin Abdul Wahab,  Buerhan Saiti, Saiful Azhar Rosly, Mansur Masih, (2017), “Risk Taking Behavior and Capital Adequacy in a mixed Banking system: New Evidence from Malaysia using Dynamic OLS and two-step Dynamic System GMM Estimators", Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 53(1), 180–198. (SCOPUS & SSCI).

  42. Buerhan Saiti, (2017), “The Capital Structure of Islamic Banks: A Critical Review of Theoretical and Empirical Researches", Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 9(3), 292-308,  (with Muhammad Rizky Prima Sakti, Mohamad Ali Tareq). (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  43. Buerhan Saiti and Khaliq Ahmad, (2017), “Fundamentals, Universe Creation and Appraisal of Major Shari'ah- Compliant Stocks Screening Methodologies", Al-Shajarah, Special Issue in Islamic Finance, 105-138. (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  44. Buerhan Saiti, (2017) “The mitigation of liquidity risk in Islamic banking operations", Banks and Bank Systems,12(3-1), 154-165 (with Nabil Bello, Aznan Hasan) (SCOPUS)

  45. Buerhan Saiti, (2017), “Does Intense Monitoring Matter? A Quantile Regression Approach", Borsa Istanbul Review, 17(2), 75-85. (with Fekri Ali ShawtariMuslim Har Sani Mohamad, Hafiz Majdi Abdul Rashid) (SCOPUS & ELSEVIER).

  46. Buerhan Saiti, (2017), “The Problems Facing Agricultural Sector In Zanzibar and the Prospects of Waqf-Muzar'ah-Supply Chain Model: The Case of Clove Industry", Humanomics, 33(2), 189-210  (with Issa Salim Moh'd  and Mustafa Omar Mohammad). (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  47. Buerhan Saiti (2017), “The Lead-Lag Relationship among East Asian Economies: A Wavelet Analysis", International Business Research, 10(3), 57-68. (ERA)

  48. Buerhan Saiti, (2017), “A Short Overview of Islamic Banking Industry of Turkey: A Positive Outlook", ISRA Islamic Finance Space Magazine, ISSUE 07, 15-20.

  49. Abubakar Aliyu Ardo, Buerhan Saiti, (2017), “Takaful Practice in Nigeria: History, Present and Futures", European Journal of Islamic Finance, (8), 01-10.

  50. Ildus Rafikov, Buerhan Saiti, (2017), “An Analysis of Financial Speculation: From the Maqasid Al-Shari'ah Perspective", Humanomics, 33(1), 2-14. (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  51. Buerhan Saiti, (2017), “The Role of the Waqf and Trust Commission (WTC) in Zanzibar: Problems and Prospects", Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, 13(1), 96-107. (with Issa Salim Moh'd  and Mustafa Omar Mohammad). (ERA and SCOPUS)

  52. Saiti, Buerhan (2016), “The impact of crude oil price on Islamic stock indices of South East Asian countries: Evidence from MGARCH-DCC and Wavelet approaches", Borsa Istanbul Review, Volume 16, Issue 4, December 2016, Pages 219–232 (with Ahmad Monir Abdullah and Mansur Masih) (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI).

  53. Adam, Abdullah & Buerhan Saiti (2016), “A Re-Examination of Musharakah Bonds and Waqf Development: The Case of Singapore" Intellectual Discourse, Special Issue (SI), Pages 541-562; (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  54. Buerhan Saiti and Adam Abdullah (2016), “Prohibited Elements in Islamic Financial Transactions: A Comprehensive Review", Al-Shajarah, Special Issue (SI), Pages 139-159. (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  55. Tawfik Azrak, Buerhan Saiti, Engku Rabiah Adawiah Engku Ali (2016), “ An Analysis of Reputational Risks in Islamic Banks in Malaysia and proposed Conceptual Framework",  Al-Shajarah, Special Issue (SI), Pages 331-360. (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  56. Sharullizuannizam Salehuddin, Buerhan Saiti (2016), “Musharakah Tijarah Cross-Border Financing: Concept, Structure and Salient Features", International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies, 2(3), Pages 1–26.

  57. Buerhan Saiti, (2016), “Oil Price and Exchange Rates: A Wavelet Analysis for Organisation of Oil Exporting Countries Members", International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2016, 6(3), 1-10. (With Basheer H. M. Alarturi, Ahmad Alrazni Alshammri, Tuan Muhd Taufik Tuan Hussin) (SCOPUS)

  58. Burak Yungucu, Buerhan Saiti, (2016), “The Effects of Monetary Policy on the Islamic Financial Services Industry", Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 8(3), 218-228. (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  59. Bo, D., Ali, E. R. A. E., & Saiti, B. (2016). Sukuk Issuance in China: Trends and Positive Expectations. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(4), 1020-1025. (SCOPUS)

  60. Saiti, Buerhan., & Masih, M. (2016). The Co-movement of Selective Conventional and Islamic Stock Indices: Is there any Impact on Shariah Compliant Equity Investment in China?. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(4), 1895-1905. (SCOPUS)

  61. Saiti, Buehan and Adam Abdullah, (2016), “The Legal Maxims of Islamic Law (excluding 5 leading Legal Maxims) and Their Applications in Islamic Finance", Journal of King Abdulaziz University-Islamic Economics, Vol. 29 No. 2, pp: 139-15. (SCOPUS)

  62. Buerhan Saiti, (2016), “Islamic Capitalism and Finance: Origins, Evolution and the Future", International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 24 (1), 125-128. (WoS ESCI)

  63. Saiti, Buerhan (2015), “ Islamic Banking and Finance in South-East Asia: Its Development and Future (3rd Edition). Authored by Angelo M. Venardos. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2012, pp. xxi+235, Intellectual Discourse, Vol 23, Issue 2, 312-316. (SCOPUS & WoS ESCI)

  64. Saiti, Buerhan & Adam Abdullah, (2015),Sale of Goods and Sale of Debts: A Comparative Analysis", Al-Shajarah, special issue in Islamic banking and Finance, pp: 249-272. (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  65. Saiti, Buerhan, Mansur Masih & Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha, (2016), “Testing the Conventional and Islamic Financial Market Contagion: Evidence from Wavelet Analysis", Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 52(8), 1832-1849. (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI).

  66. Saiti, Buerhan., (2015), “The Awareness and Attitude towards Islamic Banking: A Study in Malaysia", Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business, Vol 2, No 3, 172-196.

  67. Shawtari, F. A., Saiti, Buerhan, Razak, S. H. A., & Ariff, M. (2015). “The impact of efficiency on discretionary loans/finance loss provision: A comparative study of Islamic and conventional banks". Borsa Istanbul Review, Volume 15, Issue 4, Pages 272–282.  (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  68. Saiti, Buerhan. (2015). “Cointegration of Islamic Stock Indices: Evidence from Five ASEAN Countries." International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 7, 1392-1405.

  69. Saiti, Buerhan, Obiyathulla I. Bacha, and Mansur Masih. (2014), “The diversification benefits from Islamic investment during the financial turmoil: The case for the US-based equity investors." Borsa Istanbul Review, Volume 14, no. 4,  196-211. (SCOPUS & WoS SSCI)

  70. Zafar U Ahmed, Osama Sam AL-KWIFI, Buerhan Saiti, Md Nor Bin Othman, (2014) “Consumer Behavior Dynamics of Chinese Minorities", Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 9 Iss: 1, 6-23. (Emerald Journal).

  71. Saiti, Buerhan, (2014), “Integration between the Conventional and Islamic Stock Indices with the US stock market: Evidence from Cointegration Analysis", Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(10) July 2014, Pages: 18-30. (Used to be ISI when the article was published).

  72. Saiti, Buerhan., Azlan Ali, Naziruddin Abdullah, & Sulaiman Sajilan, (2014) “Palm oil price, exchange rate, and stock market: A Wavelet Analysis on the Malaysian Market", Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance, 2(1):13-27.

  73. Saiti, Buerhan., Ginangar Dewandaru & Mansur Masih, (2013), “A Wavelet-based Approach to Test for Shariah-complaint Stock Market Contagion: Evidence from ASEAN Countries",   Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(7): 268-280. (Used to be ISI when the article was published).

  74. Saiti, Buerhan., Obiyathulla Ismath Bach, & Mansur Masih, (2013), “Estimation of Dynamic Conditional Correlations of Shariah-Compliant Stock Indices through the Application of Multivariate GARCH Approach", Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(7): 259-267. (Used to be ISI when the article was published).

  75. Saiti, Buerhan., Md Nor Othman, Susan Stone, & Zafar U Ahmed, (2011), “Buying Behavior of Uyghur (Turkish Muslims) in China for Halal Products: Global Marketing Implications", Southwest Review of International Business Research, Vol. 22 (1), pp. 51—60. ​

Effat Alumnae
