Rahatullah, M, K., (2013) Students’ Value Perception on Co-Taught Virtual Courses, (2013) The second WEW Conference, Dubai Colleges of Technology
Rahatullah, M. K., (2013); “CARE - Achieving operational success in Entrepreneurial Relationship Businesses” Macrotheme Review, Vol 2, Issue 3 – 2013.
Rahatullah, M, K., (2014) Role of Trust and Commitment for Successful Entrepreneurial Business Relationships, The International Journal of Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2, issue 1
Rahatullah, M, K., (2016) Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Evolution Strategy of Saudi Arabia; 8th International Scientific Conference ENTRE 2016 - "Entrepreneurship and Beyond" "Advancing Research in Entrepreneurship in Global Context" Kraków (Poland), 7-8 April2016. Published in conference monograph titled, Entrepreneurship: Antecedents and Effects.
Rahatullah, M, K., (2016) Presentation on Female Start-up Intrinsic subtleties in Saudi Arabia, 18th Annual International Round Table Symposium on Women and Education, Oxford University, Oxford United Kingdom, March 20-23, 2016.
Rahatullah, M, K., Raeside, R., Maktoba, O., (2006); Factors of success for hybrid relationship business development; (2006).
Rahatullah, M, K., Raeside, R., Maktoba, O., (2006); Success of Franchise Business (2006); The 2nd Biennial Conference of the Academy of World Business and Management Development, Paris July 10-13 2006
Rahatullah, M, K., Raeside, R., (2008) Developing a Model of Franchise Business Relationships; Central Asia Business Journal – ISSN 1991-0002, Vol. 1, No. 1
Rahatullah, M, K., and Baarmah, J, M., (2016) Crowdfunding, Building a case for a platform in Saudi Arabia; Presentation, Conference on Islamic Microfinance and Social Responsibility, Effat University, Jeddah, Spring 2016.
Rahatullah, M, K., Raeside, R., (2016) Triggering of Power Strategy Variance Due to Conflicts in Entrepreneurial Relationship Businesses, 4th ICIE International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Toronto Canada, from April 27-29, pp. 131-141
Rahatullah, M, K., and Al-Anoud, F, A, R., (2016) Technology Start-up Success in Saudi Arabia, book chapter in “The Internet of Women, Why it Matters”, Accelerating Cultural Change, New York Institute of Technology, USA. River Publishers USA. Edited by Nada Anid, Laurie Cantileno, Monique J. Morrow and Rahilla Zafar
Basmah, Al Qudaiby and Rahatullah, M, K., (2014) Financial Synergy in Mergers and Acquisitions. Evidence from Saudi Arabia; Aestimation; The IEB International Journal of Finance, spring 2014 issue 9: 2-19.
AsSabban, N; AsSabban Y., and Rahatullah, M, K., (2014) Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Saudi Family Owned Businesses, International Journal of Research Studies in Management; Vol. 3, Issue 2.
Shaima B., and Rahatullah, M, K., (2014) Ranking the Saudi Arabian Banks on Size and Equity, Terengganu International Finance and Economics Journal; University of Terrengganu; Vol. 4, Issue 2.