Aspire to Achieve

    •, A researcher, باحث
      A researcher
    •, An undergraduate, البكالوريوس
      An undergraduate
    •, A graduate, الدراسات العليا
      A graduate


  • Research Interests:

i.    Shaheen, R (2021) “Energy Market Dynamics and Role of Fiscal Policy in Oil Exporting Countries – a TVAR Approach”, OPEC Energy Review
ii.    Khan S, and Shaheen R(2020) “Transition to renewable energy technologies and future prospects for oil‐exporting countries”, OPEC Energy Review , Volume 4: Issue 4
iii.    Shaheen, R (2020), “Credit Market Conditions and Impact of Monetary Policy under a Nonlinear Specification”, International Economics and Economic Policy, Volume 17: Issue 1 (ISI and Scopus Indexed).
iv.    Shaheen, R and Turner, P., (2019), “Fiscal Shocks and Business Cycle in a Threshold Structural VAR Framework”, Applied Economics, Volume 51: Issue 60 (ABS, ISI and Scopus Indexed).
v.    Shaheen, R (2019), “Impact of Fiscal Policy on Consumption and Labor Supply under a Time Varying Structural VAR Model”, Economies, Volume 7: Issue 2 (ABS, ISI and Scopus Indexed).
vi.    Shaheen, R., (2019), “Nexus between Religious Journeys and Economic Influences – case of Saudi Arabia”, International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, Volume 7: Issue 3, 2019 (Scopus Indexed )
vii.    Shaheen, R (2018), “Testing Fiscal Dominance Hypothesis in a Structural VAR specification for Pakistan” , Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, Vol.(65) , Issue.1, (ISI and Scopus Indexed).
viii.    “Impact of Initial Public Offering on the Financial Performance of Petrochemical Industry in Saudi Arabia”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, November 26-28, 2019 (Scopus Indexed).
ix.    Shaheen, R and Turner, P., (2013), Fiscal Explanations for Inflation in Pakistan”, European Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 35, Issue 3, pp 365 – 384, 2012 (Scopus Indexed).
x.    Shaheen, R and Rasheed, H., (2007), “The Inter Industry Linkages in the Karachi Stock Exchange 100 Index Companies Returns,” The Journal of Current Issues in Finance, Business and Economics, Volume 1, Issue 2-3, pp 109-122, 2007.
xi.    Shaheen, R and Nishat, M., (2007), “Corporate Governance and Firm Performance – An Exploratory Analysis” Corporate Ownership & Control, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp 216 – 225, 2007(Scopus Indexed).
xii.    Shaheen, R., (2005) “Arms Race and Economic Prosperity, A causation model for India andPakistan”, Pakistan Business Review, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 103 – 115, 2005.
xiii.    Shaheen, R and Nishat, M., (2004), “Macroeconomic Factors and Pakistani Equity Market”
–Pakistan Development Review Volume 43, Number 4 Part II, pp 619 – 637, 2004 (ISI and Scopus Indexed).
xiv.    Shaheen, R., (2004) “Carpet industry in Pakistan” Pakistan & Gulf Economist, Volume 45, Number 3, pp 110 - 125 2004

Effat Alumnae
