Aspire to Achieve

    •, A researcher, باحث
      A researcher
    •, An undergraduate, البكالوريوس
      An undergraduate
    •, A graduate, الدراسات العليا
      A graduate


The research has been major thrust of the chair and a number of research projects have been completed and numerous are in the pipeline. The chair has also successfully developed students and their research and published in international journals.

  1. Factors of success for hybrid relationship business development; (2006) Napier University Working paper January ISBN 978-1-873869-63-5
  2. Success of Franchise Business (2006); The 2nd Biennial Conference of the Academy of World Business and Management Development, Paris July 10-13 2006
  3. Developing a Model of Franchise Business Relationships (2008) Central Asia Business Journal – ISSN 1991-0002, Vol. 1, No. 1
  4. Towards Operational Excellence in Franchising (2008); SAM Advanced Management Journal, (Vol. 73, No. 3 - summer) ISSN 0749-7075
  5. The Dynamism of Partner Selection Criteria in Franchising (2009) SAM Advanced Management Journal, (Vol. 74, No. 4 – autumn 2009) ISSN 0749-7075
  6. Achieving Competitive Advantage in Hybrid Relationship Businesses (2009) Lambert Publishers – ISBN 978-3-8383-2202-5 2009
  7. Student Perspective on Technology in Class Rooms (2013) The second WEW Conference, Dubai Colleges of Technology 2013
  8. Rahatullah M, K., (2013) "Mapping entrepreneurship ecosystem of Saudi Arabia", World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 9 Iss: 1, pp.28 – 54; DOI (Permanent URL): 10.1108/20425961311315700
  9. Rahatullah, M. K., (2013); “CARE - Achieving operational success in Entrepreneurial Relationship Businesses" Macrotheme Review, Vol 2, Issue 3 – 2013. ISSN 1848-4735.
  10.  Rahatullah, M. K., (2013); The Franchisee perception of achieving success in Entrepreneurial Businesses; Entrepreneurship Research Journal. Volume 3, Issue 4, Pages 505–525, ISSN (Online) 2157-5665, ISSN (Print) 2194-6175, DOI: 10.1515/erj-2013-0035, July 2013.
  11. Al Saud Abeer A and Rahatullah, M. K., (2013); Role of Social Media in Brand Development in Saudi Arabia, European Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 8, issue 1, ISSN/EISSN: 18045839 18049699.
  12. Rahatullah, M, K., (2014) Triumphing Complex Entrepreneurial Business Associations through Partner Actions, The International Journal of Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2, issue 1 (under print)
  13. Rahatullah, M. K., (2014); Maternalistic Leadership Approach, Effectiveness Casein Higher Education. Ecch case center. Teaching Notes Reference no. 813-079-8, Case Reference no. 813-079-1; id=119479.
  14. Basmah, Al Qudaiby and Rahatullah, M, K., (2014) Financial Synergy in Mergers and Acquisitions. Evidence from Saudi Arabia; Aestimatio; The IEB International Journal of Finance, spring 2014 issue 9: 2-19
  15. AsSabban, N; AsSabban Y., and Rahatullah, M, K., (2014) Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Saudi Family Owned Businesses, International Journal of Research Studies in Management; Vol. 3, Issue 2; Print ISSN: 2243-7770 Online ISSN: 2243-7789; DOI: 10.5861/ijrsm.2014.611
  16. Shaima B., and Rahatullah, M, K., (2014) Ranking the Saudi Arabian Banks on Size and Equity, Terengganu International Finance and Economics Journal; University of Terrengganu; Vol. 4, Issue 2 (Approved for September issue)
  17. Rahatullah, M. K., and Raeside, R., Role of Trust and Commitment for Successful Entrepreneurial Business Relationships (2014 June); 11th International Conference of Management and Behavioral Sciences “An Interdisciplinary Conference" (organized by SMBS- Canada) to be held at University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. June 2014
