Aspire to Achieve

    •, A researcher, باحث
      A researcher
    •, An undergraduate, البكالوريوس
      An undergraduate
    •, A graduate, الدراسات العليا
      A graduate

Submisson Guideline (EasyChair)

​​​​Abstract Submissions:

Authors are requested to submit their abstracts electronically using the online conference system Easy Chair. If you used this system before, you may use the same login details. If this is your first time using Easy Chair, you will need to create an Easy Chair Account at EasyChair​. Upon completion of registration, you will receive a notification email from Easy Chair, after which you will need to log in and submit your abstract in PDF format.

Submissions should be sent to the following link: TBC

For any other inquires please contact Dr. Linda Maloul or Dr. Mohamad Khalid

Abstracts should include the following:

  • Title of paper
  • First and family name of author(s)
  • Institutional Affiliation
  • Current position/academic title
  • Email Address
  • At Least 5 keywords that best describe the subject area of your submission

Paper Submission and Presentation:

All presenters are invited to submit papers based on their accepted abstracts. The length of the presentations should not exceed 20 minutes. ​


  • ​Papers should describe original completed work rather than intended work. A paper accepted for presentation cannot be presented or have been presented at any other meeting with publicly available published proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other conferences or workshops must indicate this on the title page.

Presentations & Publication:

  • An accepted paper may have more than one author. However, the main presenter in the conference must be specified.
  • Selected presenters may be asked to develop their papers for an internationally peer-reviewed volume on the topic as conference proceedings. The presenters might be asked to pay a Publication fee.​​