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The top careers in AI and Machine Learning

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​​​​With AI rapidly expanding into our everyday lives, there is a great demand for the skills and knowledge needed to build, teach, guide, influence and implement machine learning and AI technologies across a range of industries.

The demand is so great, in fact, that the World Economic Forum produced estimates that by 2025, there will be 97 million new AI and machine learning roles available to those interested in working in the field. With AI being adopted by so many industries, the same report shows that companies estimate approximately 40% of their workforce will need reskilling in six months or less.

AI is clearly set to become a huge part of our working futures, and you may be considering moving into an AI or machine learning-based career, but what careers are out there now? 

In this article, we look at the top careers in AI and machine learning, to provide guidance and information for careers in this exciting and world-changing industry.

What careers are available in artificial intelligence?

There are a host of well-paying careers available in artificial intelligence already. Many require background knowledge on computer science, ethics, and data science, while some require softer skills, like project management.

Below, we have listed some of the top careers in AI, with average salaries as of 2023.

Machine Learning Engineers

Machine Learning Engineers are in incredibly high demand, even now in the relatively early stages of AI development. As a machine learning engineer, you will be responsible for the design, build, and deployment of machine learning models, that artificial intelligences will utilise to grow and learn.

You may be required to work with huge datasets as a machine learning engineer, alongside algorithm development and model optimisation to improve the performance of AIs. Skilled and talented machine learning engineers are highly sought after, and finding a position in this role will gives good changes of a high-salary and job security.

Average Salary for Machine Learning Engineers

As of July 2023:

UK - £66,049/yr - Glassdoor
US - $151,919/yr - Glassdoor
Germany - €70,000/yr - Glassdoor

AI Engineers

As you would expect, AI Engineers are highly valued and will be for the foreseeable future. They work hard to develop the applications and systems themselves that allow for AI to be applied to real-world issues, whether it be helping to diagnose illnesses, build efficient cities that utilise smart technologies, or find more efficient routes through almost any other problem in any industry you can think of.​​

AI En​gineers are responsible for developing the processes and infrastructure of the AI product, building the AI models themselves, and working with the wider team to ensure that best practices are kept, infrastructures are automated, and analysis and implementation is managed.

Average Salary for AI Engineers:

As of July 2023:

UK - £59,059 - Glassdoor
US - $160,805 - Glassdoor
Germany - €92,418 - Economic Research Institute

Specialists in AI Ethics (AI Ethicists)

An extremely important role for the future of AI in society, an AI ethics specialist has the responsibility of ensuring that AIs are built and used ethically. AI ethics specialist roles were introduced to counterbalance the natural human biases made during programming that might influence an AI’s decision-making.

Their role might include developing policies and guidelines while identifying potential ethical issues that may cause issues with an AI down the line. To ensure that AI is built with impartiality in mind, AI ethics specialists must have a strong background in computer sciences, preferably a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, alongside an understanding of relevant philosophy and ethics.

Average Salary for AI Ethicists

As of July 2023:

UK - £55K - £80K - Glassdoor
US - $137,000 per year - Bendada

Data Scientists

Data scientists have the responsibility of analysing huge amounts of data to provide insight and find inconsistencies that might affect how that data is constructed in future. They will also be required to make predictions on the future of machine learning, by using statistical models and machine learning algorithms to identify trends. 

Data scientists play a large role in the future development of AI, and as such will need a good understanding of computer science, mathematics and statistics. Data scientists are also in very high demand, with over 32,500 roles on LinkedIn as of May 2023.

Average Salary for Data Scientists

As of July 2023:

UK - £55,435 - Glassdoor
US - $152,220 - Glassdoor
Germany - €69,000 - Glassdoor

Data Engineers

Data engineers provide the data for data scientists and other team members by building a system that collects, converts and manages the raw data produced by the AI product. They will constantly be looking to improve efficiencies within their build to make the information more accessible to data analysts and scientists, who will then share that information with the researchers, NLPs, ethics specialists, project managers, and AI engineers.

Through their role, they will also have a good understanding of data governance and security, and ensure that the datasets acquired are in line with the goals of the project.

Average Salary for Data Engineers

As of July 2023:

UK - £58,079 - Glassdoor
US - $115,406 - Glassdoor
Germany - €70,000 - Glassdoor

AI Researchers

AI researchers are a key component in the life cycle of AIs, and are generally responsible for developing new models and algorithms to be utilised in machine learning. AI researchers will need to have a strong analytical mindset, as they will be required to perform detailed research on different machine learning techniques. They will also need to be able to experiment with those techniques and publish their findings to board members and stakeholders. With this in mind, a background in computer science is a must for AI researchers.

AI researchers are also highly sought-after roles, with companies in Europe offering €60,000 euros a year on average, or around £50,633 a year on average if based in the UK.

Average Salary for AI Researchers

As of July 2023:

UK - £50,633 - Glassdoor
US - $124,993 - Glassdoor
Germany - €75,525 - Glassdoor

Robotics Engineers

Robotics engineers have the responsibility of merging and integrating machine learning algorithms into the control system of a robot. Doing this will allow that robot to learn and adapt to situations, allowing AI-driven robots to find a place in medical facilities, warehouses, and even the service industry. Robotics engineers will also have the tasks of designing, developing and building the robot too, with a focus on specific tasks for specific industries.

Robotics engineering is a complex and multi-faceted field that requires a lot of knowledge in not only computer science, but also mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and product design.

Average Salary for Robotics Engineers

As of July 2023:

UK - £38,963 - Glassdoor
US - $105,685 - Glassdoor
Germany - €149,574 - Glassdoor

Natural Lang​​uage Processing Engineers (NLPs)

Natural Language Processing engineers are at the forefront of how we talk to technology today. Their role includes processing and analysing natural language data, which is collected through common languages and their evolution over time. Text-to-speech datasets are vital to collect when building natural language data, and NLPs will be responsible for creating algorithms and models that can perform the processing and analysing of that data, before reporting on their findings. 

NLP engineers will benefit from a Computer Science bachelor’s degree, as well as a background in languages. Problem-solving also plays a key part in this role, as it does in a lot of AI and machine learning roles, so a good head for finding solutions is a must.​

Average Salary for NLP Engineers

As of July 2023:

UK - £58,965 - Glassdoor
US - $95,215 - Glassdoor
Germany - €59,000 - Payscale

C​​omputer Vision Engineers (CVs)

Computer vision engineers have the responsibility of helping AI and computers ‘see’ and understanding videos and images. They do this by creating models and algorithms to help that computer analyse the data before it. A background in computer sciences is absolutely essential for this role, as CVs will be required to build algorithms that can identify patterns, objects and other visual elements. They will also need to optimise their own models to improve accuracy while working with massive amounts of image and video data.

CVs in particular are in high demand in the driverless car industry.

A​​verage Salary for CV Engineers

As of July 2023:

UK - £57,286 - Glassdoor
US - $155,862 - Glassdoor
Germany - €60,936 - Glassdoor

AI Pro​​duct ​Managers

Product managers handle the life cycle of an AI project, managing every aspect of it from research to development to release. AI product managers may handle one or more​ AI projects or services, and alongside managing the process, they must have a good understanding of what the product requirements are, and what users need and are asking for. 

A Computer Science degree can be a great help when understanding the various processes involved in AI creation and machine learning, allowing you to make informed management decisions based on experience and knowledge. People skills are also a must for this role, as you will be guiding and informing teams to help make the mo​​st of their abilities and make sure the development is completed on time and within budget. AI product managers will also be expected to have a strong background in product management.

Average Salary for AI Produ​​ct Managers

As of July 2023:

UK - £63,230 - Glassdoor
US - $182,685 - Glassdoor
Germany - €67,000 - Glassdoor​​

As you can see, there are many incredible opportunities to be found within the world of AI and machine learning. What education do we need to grasp those opportunities, though?

Stud​​ying for a career in AI and Machine Learning

As you can see from our list of the top jobs in AI and machine learning, having a strong background in Computer Sciences can be greatly beneficial to finding a career working directly with the development and implementation of artificial intelligence. 

If you can see an AI-based career in your future, consider looking into courses like Effat’s Computer Science course, which offers focused study on the various aspects of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.

If you’re on the fence about studying AI, consider reading our Why Study AI? Blog today, where we go into more detail about the skills and qualifications needed, and provide reasons as to why AI and machine learning are exciting fields to enter.

Begin applying for entry-level A​​I jobs

Once you have finished your studies, you should look towards applying for entry-level AI jobs. These are usually as “entry-level” or have the word “junior” in the j​​ob title.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for int​ernships if you struggle to find work. They can be a great way to introduce you to the working world of AI, and get you the experience needed for that next role. 

Working on freelance projects is also a great ​​way to pick up new skills and experience, and provides you with a portfolio to share with prospective employers.

Are there less technical top AI jobs I can p​​ursue?

Are you considering a career in AI and machine learning, but d​on’t have a Computer Sciences background?

As you may have recognised above, careers working directly with AI often require a lot of background Computer Science knowledge, but there are many fulfilling careers to be had in the industry that don’t require a knowledge of statistics or engineering.

Like many industries, AI and machine learning businesses, foundations and organisations require a broad range of skills to effectively ​administrate, market, and sell ​​their product. You could also consider ​careers in user experience, data analytics and cybersecurity as well. These roles are all far less technical but are hugely beneficial to the overall success of the AI product.​​

Where can I ​​​learn more about AI?

If you’re interested in learning more about AI, we highly recommend looking into research provided by Turing into robotics and ethics, as well as our own research repository, which hosts all the latest AI and machine learning research from Effat.

If you’d like to learn on the go, we recently produced a blog on the 17 Best AI and Machine Learning podcasts as well, which provides a range of podcasts that have AI learning and discussion at their heart.

Freq​​uently Asked Questions

 Is AI a good​​ career path?

Not only can careers in AI be high-paying, they are also more likely to be secure. Careers in AI will be in high demand for the foreseeable future, with an expected 97 mi​llion new AI and machine learning roles by 2025. 

Is AI high​​​​ly paid?

AI-based roles can be very high paying, with AI Engineers in the UK averaging at £56,607 per year, and between $110,000 to $165,000 annually in the United States, accordi​ng to Glassdoor.

How do I get into an ar​​​tificial intelligence career?

There are many routes you can take to find a career in AI. Technical careers begin with subjects like programming, computer science, and mathematics, with higher education and accreditations available to help you meet those goals.​

For more on how to get into a career in AI, consider reading our Why Study AI? blog today.

Can I become an AI eng​ineer without a degree?

A lot of businesses still require at least a bachelor’s degree for entry-level jobs into AI, but they are not always necessary. Professional certifications are widely accepte​​​d as proof of skill, and if you have experience in your own programming and machine learning projects, you can share this and your portfolio with potential employers also.

Continue your computer​​ science education with Effat

At Effat we offer a range of courses across a number of fields, with our BSc Computer Science Degree offering the most straightforward path to a career in AI. If you would like to discuss enrolment at Effat, be sure to review our admission steps today, and get in touch with a member of our team.​ 
