Aspire to Achieve

    •, A researcher, باحث
      A researcher
    •, An undergraduate, البكالوريوس
      An undergraduate
    •, A graduate, الدراسات العليا
      A graduate

Apply for Effat University Jobs

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​​Effat College of Architecture and Design

​Please send copies of the following documents to this email:

Updated CV, Latest Degrees (BA-MA -PhD), Experience letter(s), and Recommendation Letter(s)​

Effat College of Engineering 

​Please send copies of the following documents to this email:​
Updated CV, Latest Degrees (BA-MA -PhD), Experience letter(s), and Recommendation Letter(s)​

Effat College of Humanities

​Please send copies of the following documents to this email:​
Updated CV, Latest Degrees (BA-MA -PhD), Experience letter(s), and Recommendation Letter(s)​​

​Please send copies of the following documents to this email:​
Updated CV, Latest Degrees (BA-MA -PhD), Experience letter(s), and Recommendation Letter(s)​​

Effat General Education Department

​Please send copies of the following documents to this email:​​​
Updated CV, Latest Degrees (BA-MA -PhD), Experience letter(s), and Recommendation Letter(s)​​
