Aspire to Achieve

    •, A researcher, باحث
      A researcher
    •, An undergraduate, البكالوريوس
      An undergraduate
    •, A graduate, الدراسات العليا
      A graduate


Dr. Khulood A. Rambo

Dr Khulood A. Rambo is a professional member of British Computer Society and IEEE Society. She is an assistant professor at the department of Information Systems Engineering at Effat University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She currently occupies the dean position of Effat College of Engineering. Dr Rambo earned her PhD, MSc, and BSc in Applied Informatics, Information Systems Management, and Computer Science from the University of Reading (UK), University of Greenwich (UK), and King Abdul-Aziz University (KSA) respectively.


Mr. Wayne Jacoby

President of the NGO 'Global Education Motivators' (GEM), an NGO partnered with the United Nations, specifically the United Nation's Department of Public Information (UNDPI) and the United Nation's Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). In 1989, the NGO was given the United Nation Peace Award. 

Eng. Baarah Samkary

Eng. Baraah Samkari is Head of operation and engineering department at a food industry. She worked as a production engineer at cables company. She had a bachelor degree in electrical and computer engineering. Currently, she is studying master of energy engineering at Effat University.
